
Hi everyone, I am new. I have a couple of beyblades and I was wondering what would be the best combination for the ones that I have so far.

Dark Gasher
Rock Leone
2x Lightning L-Drago (The banned version)
Flame Sagitario
Earth Eagle
Storm Pegasus
Rock Orso
Flame Aries
2x Rock Aries
Dark Bull
Thermal Pisces
Evil Gemios
Dark Wolf
Rock Scorpio
Storm Aquario
Storm Capricorn
Flame Libra (now banned)
Poison Serpent

Thank you for your help! And I hope to be in a couple of tournaments!
hi welcome to the WBO.If you want someone to male you a combo you post the parts you have in what make a comob thread and flame libra isn't banned but libra wheel is .And try earth bull C145WB the top tier defence combo but an improvment ( one that you can't use in tornaments) Libra C145WB
Thanks for your help! I will totally try that out! At least someone has pointed me in the right direction!