best beyblade custimization plastic or metal fight

what is the beyblade customization for plastic or beyblade metal fight mine for plastic black dranser with a engin gear from dragoon gt. for metal fight its a beyblade called rock capricorn.capricorn face bolt capricorn energy ring rock fusion weel wolf spin track aries performence tip
i meant to say best beyblade cutomisation
plastic: don't have one
MFB: bull face bolt, bull energy ring, flame fusion weel claw145 spin track and sharp performance tip
lordWolfblade, if you have no idea what you are talking about, do not answer. S is a very bad tip because it has mediocre balance. Also, that is essentially an uncustomized Flame Sagittario with a Bull Clear Wheel, which is bad because Flame was more focused towards Stamina, not Defense, and C145 is for Defense, not Stamina ...

There is no best Beyblade. Look at the Competitive Metal Fight Beyblade Combos topic, and find the Tier thread which has HMS and plastics tiers.