[/b]Hasbro slacking off? or Side tracked

Hasbro has been a Beyblade constructor for a long time now and got a great reputation in building beyblades. But lately it looks like Hasbro is doing to much work on there current agenda. They are making cool looking gadgets with no use at all: Flash lights, Projectors, assembly chambers, Shiny Beylaunchers, rev up,wind shoot launchers.

But they forget make new beyblades, ok Legend series look decent but there is a massive gap now between Sonokong TT and Hasbro. They have to decide if they really are aiming for competition or for small children.

Honestly i don't know why there is a massive gap between them, the bleuprints are made. TT did the hardest job, Creating Beyblades from scratch. Hasbro only got to take the bleuprint make de mold, melt the metal cool it down, take the energy ring make a mold melt the plastic cool it down. Sure the procedures are not that simple otherwise we all had are own copied versions of are Beyblades. But for a big factory like Hasbro it is quit a letdown that it takes so long to deliver the goods faster.

What do you think of it.
Are they to busy?
and what is your opinion on the Hasbro exclusive made products?
The renaming of Beyblades?
Why is a thread even needed for this ? Hasbro are clearly making products following the English version of the Anime so of course they will be behind. What more is there to be said ?