another old blader

hey there guys.

i was into beyblade years ago when they first hit america and had a lot of blades. trygle, roller defenser, draciel fortress, and bump king are just a few i remember having. but at one point i decided i was "too old" for it and threw them all out. Unhappy i regret that decision constantly and have been trying to find a way to get some again, but found that they are now quite a bit more expensive. needless to say, im glad that they have been re-released, even if they are different. i wish i had never thrown mine out, but whats done is done. at least theyre coming back now. the crazy thing is there is now a whole new set of kids into it that never even knew about the old ones.

anyways, im 22 years old. but i dont care any more. i love toys of all kinds and beyblade is one of my favorite toys of all time.

my first 2 purchased beyblades were dark leone 100hf and storm bull h145s (i think i got those names right. its the upper cut 2 pack.)

Lol hey mr. Oldy bey blader lolz Smile
yeah I'm new so I dun know much but I bet you know lots more then me!
I started yesterday Smile

welcome to WBO btw and have tons of fun Smile
ps: dont worry their are plenty of older members here..