aH or pP

I'm not sure whether I put this here or "Build Me A Combo," but should I use aH 0C Xt+, aH Outer Xt+, pP Outer At, pP 0C At, pP Outer Xt+, or pP 0C Xt+?
This should definitely be in the Build Me A Combo thread, but just to give some input based on experience (Warning, information overload!

I don't have actual testing results on hand, but I do lots of tests against competitive meta combos for every experimental combo I think of every time I get off work):

aH 0C Xt+: good, but better equip with Proof/Glaive instead of Cross for LAD; hard flat launch but moderately soft flat launch against opposite spin

aH Outer Xt+: this is also good, probably slightly better than the first, easily KO'd by aggro due to the POM Xtend Chip sliding around too easily; might suggest Eternal on that instead; hard flat launch but moderately soft flat launch against opposite spin

pP Outer At: not that good, probably replace the Atomic with Eternal and you have a good chance against both spins, works best if your Armor+Core combo is very tight to avoid having the Armor hinder your spin (since I see that this more often is a self-Spin Finish risk); moderate flat launch or hard sliding shoot for both spins (double-edged sword especially if your Armor+Core Layer is too tight that it Bursts instead of dislodging the Armor to utilize the anti-spin steal shape of Revive Phoenix Core)

pP 0C At: fair enough, but you can change Cross with Proof or Glaive for more LAD, and possibly the 0 interchangeable with 00/10 since Phoenix teeth are quite tight even on Atomic (would recommend the one that came with the Dead Phoenix booster) for OWD; moderate flat launch or hard sliding shoot for both spins (double-edged sword especially if your Armor+Core Layer is too tight that it Bursts instead of dislodging the Armor to utilize the anti-spin steal shape of Revive Phoenix Core)

pP Outer Xt+: this is slightly better than the Atomic version, but still high risk of being KO'd by aggro combos especially with its Armor stripped off and that the POM Xtend Chip slides around too easily; hard flat launch but moderately soft flat launch against opposite spin

pP 0C Xt+: also good, but not too great against left spins and probably won't do much against Atomic/Bearing combos; hard flat launch but moderately soft flat launch for both spins (double-edged sword especially if your Armor+Core Layer is too tight that it Bursts instead of dislodging the Armor to utilize the anti-spin steal shape of Revive Phoenix Core)

Take these with a grain of salt, possibly other higher-ranking Bladers may share their own expertise on these combo constructions better than me