If you launch the bey in the center of the stadium, it can tornado stall for a few seconds. But in a real battle, the stadium will sway once the beyblades are launched thus making it impossible to tornado stall because the bey will go to center by itself or it will self KO from one of the pockets.
Zero-G Combo/Parts Requests
(Nov. 12, 2012 4:08 PM)Ultimo Wrote: Try launching Duo Gasher around 80%-90%. Also, what height was Duo in? Do tests on all three heights to see which one can defeat Gargole Dragooon SA165 SD consistently. Also, try adding a MF-F or a MF-L to increase the stamina of the combo. If you don't have one, then use the lightest facebolt you have. You can also try to use other CW's like Cygnus, Aquario, and Kerbecs to see which one does best. Gasher may not be the best CW choice for this combo. I know this is a lot to ask, but I truly believe that this combo is the counter to Dragooon combo's.1. 170
2. MF-F/L are heavier than a normal Face.
3. I own Aquario and Kerbecs, but Kerbecs is 3-sided and therefore would have carp synergy on Duo.
3. The edges on my Duo are kinda worn.
(Nov. 12, 2012 10:57 PM)Ultimo Wrote: I wanted Crab Commando to test this combo in BOTH a BB-10 and a Zero G Stadium. He originally had tested the combo in a BB-10. I Just would like to see how this combo would do in both the stadiums.I don't have a Zero-G Stadium.
While I don't own a ZG Stadium, I have a feeling that only C-series tips (CF/GCF) will work well because of the disk. Again, though, I don't have a ZG Stadium...
Still, please do try to test in a BB-10. Use the 195 and 220 heights. Also, try to use either a MF-F or a MF-L. Use both Aquario and Cancer/Gasher on Duo. I know this is a lot to ask but please do try to test.
Done. I didn't feel like using Gasher because if you observe my results, you will see why I didn't bother.
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Guys I hope you guys know this is strictly for Zero-G stadium only. Not BB-10's
(Nov. 16, 2012 10:31 PM)Stars Wrote: Guys I hope you guys know this is strictly for Zero-G stadium only. Not BB-10'sYeah, I know. I was trying to explain to Mu how his combo would be ineffective, because if it can't work well in a BB-10, it will definitely not work in Zero-G (Tornado Staller vs. B: D).
Any tornado stallers won't work at all in bb-10 Dragoon B:D.....even in Zero-G
Could Someone Test
MF-L Phantom Aquario/Revizier Revizier/killerken killerken F230CF vs Dragooon Dragooon SA165EWD/B : D
(I Know This Combo isn't commonly Use,but I just want to know the Result)
MF-L Phantom Aquario/Revizier Revizier/killerken killerken F230CF vs Dragooon Dragooon SA165EWD/B : D
(I Know This Combo isn't commonly Use,but I just want to know the Result)
Attack zero-g beystadium
Gryph gryph S130RF
revizer revizer D125RF
phoenic bahamdia (bahamdia on top) 105RF
MSF Saramanda Saramanda GB145RS
Gryph gryph S130RF
revizer revizer D125RF
phoenic bahamdia (bahamdia on top) 105RF
MSF Saramanda Saramanda GB145RS
Hmm, maybe test DS in Zero G? Sway and Defense combined

Nope, Chuck Testa.
It behaves just like any other D-series Bottom when pinned against Zero-G Attack in a Zero-G Stadium. Plus, it has poorer Stamina than other more common and competitive D-series Bottoms such as WD.
It behaves just like any other D-series Bottom when pinned against Zero-G Attack in a Zero-G Stadium. Plus, it has poorer Stamina than other more common and competitive D-series Bottoms such as WD.
can someone test phantom orion 230HF/S in zero-g attack type stadium?
the idea is,the combo has a really tall height,hence,the chances of it being knocked out through the pocket will be minute.
phantom is a top-tier stamina wheel and will help to OS
the HF/S gimmick will be a good thing to use.
testing to be done in HF though,i'll be interested to see the results
thanks for making the thread Stars
the idea is,the combo has a really tall height,hence,the chances of it being knocked out through the pocket will be minute.
phantom is a top-tier stamina wheel and will help to OS
the HF/S gimmick will be a good thing to use.
testing to be done in HF though,i'll be interested to see the results
thanks for making the thread Stars
So the main thing if we were testing 230HF/S against sway attack either the gimmick is going to be useful or not but, 230? It would be better to uses more like E230 or some ZG track supports like ED145 with it free spin track
i don't have E230 but 230.you can test in E230 though...
It rather going to get tossed like a Rock Leone stock. I also no longer own HF/S
I'm going to update OP later for combos that are needed to be tested.
@Ezik I will try get Dragoon and Revizer 2x done soon. But at the moment I do not own F230 but, there a thread that Ginga had up on Duo F230CF being able to beat Dragoon B: D
I'm going to update OP later for combos that are needed to be tested.
@Ezik I will try get Dragoon and Revizer 2x done soon. But at the moment I do not own F230 but, there a thread that Ginga had up on Duo F230CF being able to beat Dragoon B: D
If someone can test my combo, MSF-H Goreim Reviser ch120 ES against any good zero g combos and tell me wat u used to beat it tht would be appreciated
U can test it in any stadium and the reason i wanted somebody to test it because I just wanted to c how good my combo really is
U can test it in any stadium and the reason i wanted somebody to test it because I just wanted to c how good my combo really is
MSF-H Ifraid Bahamdia W145GF vs Sway Defense combos and regular defense combos. After getting my Samurai Pegasis and Gladiator Bahamdia I switched the Crystal Wheels around and found that Samurai didn't cover much contact points that could cause some smash if given enough weight. Since Samurai and Ifraid have the same shape, it would seem like the added weight would help with Swaying and KOing the opponent bey. W145 is primarily for Stamina purposes and gives a tall enough height for Bahamdia to make contact and not Ifraid and GF, in my opinion, has excellent sway while still keeping enough speed to push the foe out of the Stadium or better yet, KO it. Also, Attack Type Please.
Anyways, a crystal wheel is outclassed.
Secret B, the chrome wheels on a sway combo aren't that important since contact is barely made. They just need to be heavy.
Secret B, the chrome wheels on a sway combo aren't that important since contact is barely made. They just need to be heavy.
What do you think for sway attack MSF Balro Bahamdia SP230GCF? for the standard process (agaisnt top tier at Zero G Attack Type Stadium) I think one or you can do it here!
I am putting Final Drive back up here because I really think it has the potential to be an awesome Balance bottom, with it having its automatic change and all. No formal tests are needed at first, but if it turns out pretty nicely, maybe it deserves its own testing thread

Izhkoort, it is an interesting request. I might experiment with it a bit, although it will most likely perform like all other sway combos- terrible against defense, great against right spin stamina.
Rush, I have actually tried F
a bit myself, and I really like it. It's kind of like an anti-attack bottom, only a little better because it can OS some defenders IIRC. Might make a thread for it soon.
Rush, I have actually tried F

Once I get it, I can do it. Anything particular you want it tested against?
(Jan. 16, 2013 2:46 AM)ShinobuXD Wrote: Izhkoort, it is an interesting request. I might experiment with it a bit, although it will most likely perform like all other sway combos- terrible against defense, great against right spin stamina.
Thanks, i know it should be terrible agaisnt defense, but it might be interesting, tell me your results when you can : D
(Jan. 16, 2013 2:46 AM)ShinobuXD Wrote: Izhkoort, it is an interesting request. I might experiment with it a bit, although it will most likely perform like all other sway combos- terrible against defense, great against right spin stamina.
Rush, I have actually tried F:D a bit myself, and I really like it. It's kind of like an anti-attack bottom, only a little better because it can OS some defenders IIRC. Might make a thread for it soon.
YEAHUH. Final Drive FTW!
Hmm, what did you put on top of F:D? A Synchrome, or Diablo? I am guessing Diablo, since it is great for Anti-Attack, and is heavy enough to sway even Synchromes.
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