Yo what's up

Hello there,I am Sampo (Call me Kyubi because my name is difficult to spell to foreigners) from Finland. I am 19 years old. My hobbies include japanese animation and comics,videogames,collecting transformers and various other action figures and duh,spinning tops.
I got into beyblade in this summer while there was this one free convention and there was a beyblade tournament. And that's pretty much it.
Welcome to the WBO, have a great time! Read the rules and the PM Kai-V sent you!

I like everthing you do
Welcome to the WBO!! Have FUN!!Grin
Make sure to read the message Kai-V sent you!Smile
Also I love your username!Grin
Welcome to the Wbo. If you have lots of beyblades, and want a strong combination, then go on this thread http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Build-me-a-combo-2

If you have a general question that is beyblade related, then go to this page - http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Ask-a-qu...n-answer-2

If you have a question about the WBO, then go to this thread - http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Question...pid1152146

For upcoming tournaments, check this forum - http://worldbeyblade.org/Forum-WBO-General

Read the message Kai-V sent you and have fun.
Welcome to the awesome beyblade site that's super awesome aka the wbo lol have fun