(Jan. 30, 2011 11:54 AM)-J1N.R4Z13L- Wrote: 1. Madoka isn't included in there...
2. Ginga looks ugly, even the rest of the chars.
4. Ryuuga creeps me, he's more scarier.
Lastly 5. Benkei is fatter xD.
Anything that has problem on the manga?
Ginga's beyblade becomes storm pegasis later in the manga because at the time they were just advertising the pre-HWS.
The anime brings more depth showing the parts of the beyblade, etc. that is Madoka's job, while the manga; they just go in and battle.
It seems that beyblade manga art has always been lacking quality compared to the anime, i assume that is because the manga is not the main source for advertisement in the franchise.
Anyway, all this did not deserve a thread.
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