Why Bird cannot be Ekusu ?

Why Bird cannot be Ekusu ?

Sure it will be on academic journal in next decade.

In Beyblade X, Bird strive for competing so hard, but the result is not good as he expected; in other side, Ekusu nearly do nothing and could easily get the victory, why doing the samething as Ekusu done, can't make you become another Ekusu?

The answer is simple, (and cruel). Because Bird is not Ekusu. Ekusu has an attitude that Bird don't get the essence from, most importantly, Ekusu substantially good at winning. The aspect Bird good at, is persisting.

The condition exactly answer an question often asked: why I am not the richest? All the behaviours start from the attitude.

In near future, at least for a while, AI inevitably will replace intelligence, just like factory replaced handcraft. But we never saw handicraft art disappear right? Why? The value we appreciate from is the spirit from crafters. The age of capacity soon may pass, what leftover is love, joy, and dream.

What is the only factor causing human evolve, that has been rethink once and once. But enthusiasm, maybe the biggest motivation, in the time period of future from this point.

Since the facts are fixed, what can be done left? How about learn from Ekusu, enjoy every moment, being as natural as you can?

Isn't because there have no causality, is because too much factors deciding on one thing. Practicing the dream is not the main point, the process of feeling satisfied is.

Accept the age of love, other all factors let's overcome together.

Mar 20th 2024