G Wrote:Roan Wrote:Tamer Brad Wrote:Roan: If you have a heart, it isn't that funny.
We discussed it over AIM already, but just so everyone else is clear:
I don't find Britney Spears' situation in general funny, just that one picture of her.
[Image: britney-spears-bald-400a030207.jpg]
Pissed Britney is piiiiiiiiiissed.
[Image: britney-spears-bald-400a030.jpg]
*Wins the topic*
Meh, *chan memes, internet jokes, people falling over, puns, Dane Cook, exploding snowmen (There's a video of a snowman getting shot at point blank by a cannon. I can't help but laugh), movie recuts....there's more, somewhere.