What Do You Think?

what do u think about the latest things? ill post something here and tell me what u think!
Here is the thing of the day: Justin Bieber
I think her music sucks, her hair is stupid, and her music is worse. Her song "baby" has 3 words in it. How original. What do you think about bieber, Giraffeman? And yes, I know that bieber's a guy, but I like to insult him by calling him a "her."
I liked his movie but ur right he sings girlyish
Alright heres a new thing: Big Time Rush
Tune in tonite at 6:45 Central 2 watch them perform LIVE at kiss108.com
It's because he hasn't hit puberty yet. Now that he's a bit older, he can't hit the high notes on his stupid baby song.

EDIT: What's BTR, RAW? Oh, that's what I thought.

EDIT #2: We're not done with bieber yet! He's so fun to make fun of.
BTR is awesome.

Justine Bieber (Not a typo) is...My thoughts on him are...basically this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcow5sg_iLg
This is pretty much a SPAM topic...

Think about this. What it takes to make a good thread.
This is really just like The Random Thoughts thread all over again.