What Are You Listening To Right Now?

the Smiths- You've Got Everything Now

I've seen you smile, but I've never really heard you laugh.
Coldplay - Violet Hill

If you loooooooooove meeeeeeee wooooon't you leeeeeeeeeeeet meeeeeeee knoooooow
Magneta Lane- Girl From Mars

Ash cover lol
... And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - Far Pavilions

Again lmao

I'm so in love with this album.
Lil Wayne - Fly in
Coldplay - Fix You

kgdsklghjdfgj song depresses me
Coldplay - Glass of Water

This song is awesooome.
Thrice - Lullaby

"What are we all living for
If nothing's worth dying for tonight?
Your dreams are not enough
What I need is love
That's worth laying down my life"

<3 <3 <3 <3
the Vines- Winning Days

Best song they've ever written by far. I'm not even a fan really but it's crazy good.
Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance

"I know that there's a difference
Between sleight of hand
And giving everything you have
There's a line drawn in the sand
I'm working up the will to cross it"
T.I Featuring Justin Timberlake - Dead & Gone

(Im Listening to it again lol)

"Ohhh! I've been trying to know this world to long, (toooo long)
just trying to fid my way back home, (back hoome)
The only's Dead & Gone, Dead & Goone.
Dybbuk - Gackt
Thursday - Resuscitation of a Dead Man
Gackt - seven

on a gackt spree blastin speakers
Thursday - As He Climbed the Dark Mountain
Yeah Yeah Yeahs- It's Blitz(cd)

Pretty pumped that it leaked. Wasn't sure if I was gonna get it or not. On track 5 now and I'm pretty much 100% sure I will now.
fall out boy- the take over the break over
Cold Hard carp-Jet

Man this song brings back memories from high school

EDIT: I just realized it automatically sensors the word even when used in a song title. lol you guys should know what I mean.
Cold Hard Carp, the number one hit, lol. Anyway
South of Heaven - Slayer
Rock n Roll Rebel - Ozzy Osbourne
Asia - Heat of the moment.