Hello user, this is the Your Creations forum of the World Beyblade Organization!
It is where you can show us your writing, drawings, graphics, and whatever else! Although this part of the forum does allow for a lot of creativity, we do have some rules set in place to ensure that this place runs smoothly just like the rest of the board.
Current Moderators: PRO SEAGULL &
sarabscientist. We are always open to questions and comments regarding this part of the forum.
- Signatures, avatars, servicing "shops" and making requests
Please go to the top right corner of the site and you will find the help section and the community rules. Signatures and avatars should always be used in adherence to those rules (size limits and content wise). Refrain from having rapid animations in your signatures, they are disruptive and often induce headaches. Be courteous to the other members on this board
If you choose to service shops (take requests from other members); please refrain from having multiple "shops" or servicing multiple threads at a time. It is easier to stay with one thread and service requests in an orderly fashion as oppose to jumping from threads and having to remember who requested before, who cancelled and who is still in need.
This is a "free" service and so please understand that it takes time to make a decent creation that is best suited to your request. If there is a format for requesting specified in the opening post, adhere to it or consequences of blatant ignorance will be introduced. Also, for the better of everyone;
you are entitled to make a request only once a week. Frequent requesters will be warned for SPAM.
- Competitions, entering competitions and judging
Competitions, battles and such activities have been permitted to allow friendly occasions to improve your skills and to just have fun. Note that competitions organized by members in this section usually never have prizes or faces given, so please do not come asking for winning rewards.
Tournaments usually have a longer durations as oppose to simple one on one battles. If you would like to organize either, please contact the moderator of this forum before hand. In case of a battle; if your opponent has agreed and you both have entries, it is highly likely that it will be approved instantaneously and then your thread can be put up. In case of a tournament; you'll have to prove that you are capable of hosting one (in terms of maturity and being committed). After you seem like a suitable host; you'll have to discuss details such as expected format, number of participants, general ideas and judges. If everything is good to go; your tournament thread can be cleared for take off. Do not make threads without prior approval.
The success of the competition depends on the cooperation of the competitors; please cooperate and stay committed.
- Criticism
When giving "criticism" to someone; you should always make it constructive (
Criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions. )
Please note that if you absolutely must criticize,
make it constructive. Comments such as "Oh, your story sucks. Go die." will not be tolerated. However, comments like "Hm, this part was too cliche and it would have been better if you ..." and "Hm, I didn't like how this chapter turned out, maybe you could have ..." or "Next time you should make the dialogue more lively ...".
That being said; sympathy calls will be ignored. If they weren't harsh and you make a scene and "gang up" on users (refer to "SPAM their inbox" thread); you'll probably be warned depending on the severity. Don't be a baby.
Re: General GFX Thread: Its not the mandatory CnC thread. It is completely optional for people to provide critique. And if your post is "ignored" do not repeatedly spam the thread asking for CnC. Repeat offenders will be confronted.
(Sep. 22, 2012 9:40 AM)Hazel Wrote: RE: "SPAM their inbox".
Anyone caught saying this or anything remotely similar will receive a minimum warning of 30%, and offenses following this first warning will receive 50% without second consideration.
Thank you for your time. ^-^
- Youtube Channels
One thread, one user. Even if you have multiple channels for different things. And please refrain from the "sub to me pleeeeeeeease!!!" spam. And none of that "sub4sub" spam either. You can always place links in your profile and signature.
If you are doing an online Beyblade tournament/battle using your YouTube account, have people that are interested PM you rather than posting in the topic what customization they would like to use. It's basically SPAM if you have to constantly state in your thread "that part is taken" or "I do not own those parts".
- Advertisement
Do not find non-existent ways to advertise your signature shops/other things. Put a link in your signature politely. Soliciting in other people's threads is frowned upon.
- Character requests, roleplay and stories
Roleplay is not allowed, do not confuse them with character requests. And as always, follow the writer's format. Stories should always be written in accordance to the WBO's rules (no swearing and explicit shipping). If you have additional chapters to add to your story you must update your exiting thread for the story(do not make new threads for new chapters). Plagiarism is not allowed either.
We cannot really shun the bad writers. But if the bad writing is on purpose to "troll" or to "joke around" please do not even bother.
Here is a good guide to help you write better.
- Necromancy and bumping threads
You see a very old signature shop from 2011. Do not post in it please. You see a shop that says "CLOSED". Do not post in it please. Repeat offenders will be caught. Please use some sense when you are reviving threads. If the last post was over a year ago, absolutely do not post saying "OMG, SO COOL!1!!1". If it is your own thread; you can't bump topics outside of the marketplace. Plain and simple. Do not even double post with the intention of bumping. Only double post if you have added a new chapter or made considerable additions.
- To make a new thread or to not make a new thread, that is the question.
If you have a couple of images, post it in the photo gallery thread. Don't open up your own thread for a couple of images. In a sense, threads are allowed when there are too many images to be posted in the Photo Gallery thread. Please also note, they have to be of decent quality. Illustrative example:
Don't. There is a photo thread here that you may use to post a few snaps of non-Beyblade photos as well that can be found via search.
Last but not least, keep in mind:
"If you would not post like this elsewhere on the site, do not do it here."
There are undoubtedly a lot of threads in this section of the board and so for members who do not frequent this area constantly, finding threads that are not graphic shops, stories or tournaments can be a challenge sometimes.
Not to degrade any threads or anything, but here is a list of threads that are currently receiving a lot of attention from the entirety of the WBO and not just the regular browsers of the Your Creations forum. The list also includes most of the active public discussion threads.
Tournament Schedules: