Weirdest/Creepiest Video game Character

I don't know if any of you have played dead space but it is super creepy just look at a whole bunch of vids of dead space on youtube and you'll see. I dare you guys to play it, its so scary I couldn't sleep for a week, no joke.
Dead space 2 is more creepy. Played it, its like drinking a gallon of coffee. I was scared to blink after watching my friend play it.
yeah I know, thats what I meant I was trying to say that all dead space is scary especially at the start of dead space 2 when the guy blows his head off.
well, for me the creepiest game caracters are the Skulltulars from legend of zelda: ocarina of time, majora's mask and twilight princess (i havent acturly played that last one but i have played crossbow training, witch has the same skulltulars) and the wall masters/ floor masters of ocarina of time, those skeletal monsters just freak me out when i first saw each of them.