[Washington,DC]- Beyblade Battle Bash

Oh ok i will post at Joyful_2least five times a day,, but does it have to be on this one post
and can we use takara tomy and hasbro products or just takara tomy?
(Aug. 18, 2010  9:49 PM)jeyein98 Wrote: Oh ok i will post at Joyful_2least five times a day,, but does it have to be on this one post
and can we use takara tomy and hasbro products or just takara tomy?
No, you can use both, they are essentially the same thing. Make sure to read the rulebooks.

And no, you can post anywhere on the message board. Also be careful not to SPAM or make off-topic posts, too.
oh i know i read the rules, and one last question, are we allowed to practice at the tournament or can we only practice at home cause i have never played in an attack stadium before!? please reply
(Aug. 18, 2010  9:53 PM)jeyein98 Wrote: oh i know i read the rules, and one last question, are we allowed to practice at the tournament or can we only practice at home cause i have never played in an attack stadium before!? please reply
Hm, that will depend on what Toonpenguin decides. There is almost always free play at tournaments, unless they are too big, but it can be either before or after the tournament ...
oh ok!! PM if theres anything i need to know about the tournament! i be back in two hours. bye!
I'd need some practice because I've never played in the stadiums that are gonna be at the tournament...I hope we can have that option, because I know im not the only one also...And if someone were to sell me one (if they wouldn't mind) then I might buy one to get used to it. Will there be vendors there?
when will this tournament be official!?
Sometimes I think they just want it in Canada, not US :-L
(Aug. 19, 2010  2:32 AM)StormMetal101 Wrote: Sometimes I think they just want it in Canada, not US :-L
Not at all, hah. We want a lot more tournaments in the United States.

I am just waiting for Toonpenguin to come back ...
Oh so you're just going to surprise Toonpenguin? Grin must be good news eh? Joyful_3
I know there are so many tournaments in canada and barely any held in the USA. i love beyblade just as much as the people in canada. maybe even more!! XD
Can i mention this tournament on my next youtube video!? a lot of my friends on youtube are bladers. my youtube name is xRainProductionsx. please reply fast!!! XD
Yah dude! My Youtube name is KingAnime101 xD
are u on youtube now!? i am. i'll subscribe to you. i can't wait for this tournament!!!!! XD
oh know wonder i can't find you. post a comment on my channel so i can got to your youtube page and sub!! XD
i want to participate Smile
Good news man this might get official Quickly also the more people we get the faster we get this official
i have friends that live buy me who is comming but not registered hre. well one of them is darkwolf93
iight good to hear about this Grin
(Aug. 21, 2010  3:19 AM)Hayabusa Wrote: i have friends that live buy me who is comming but not registered hre. well one of them is darkwolf93
Try to make them register soon, because they will need to have accounts here eventually anyway.
is it almost official !? XD
i want to participate. put me on the list as (maybe)