Virgo 100RF(or HF)

Wow!Virgo is the best wheel for stamina in the M.F.B. series,and we can make a balance combo with it,in RF it will be and attack,and in HF it will be balance.

Virgo 100RF vs Dark Sagittario DF145SD Unhappy5 match)Balance stadium all
Virgo win K.O.
Dark win out spin
Virgo win K.O.
Virgo win K.O.
Virgo win 3,Dark win 1

Virgo 100HF vs Dark Sagittario DF145SD:
Virgo win out spin
Virgo win K.O.
Dark win out spin
Virgo win K.O.
Virgo win 3,Dark win 1

Vir 100RF vs Pegasis WD145WB:
Vir win K.O.
Vir win K.O
Peg win K.O.
Peg win out spin
Vir win K.O.
Vir win 3,Peg win 2

Virgo 100HF vs Peg WD145WB:
Vir win out spin
Peg winK.O.
Peg win K.O.
Vir win K.O.
Peg win K.O.
Vir win 2,Peg win 3

These two combo are awesome u guys should try it!
Sorry,i mean try them.
you tested your combo against two horrible combos. I don't think these results are very valid.
In addition, five tests is really not sufficient to test a blade's potential.
Dark Sagittario DF145SD and pegasus WD145WB are not good beyblades to test against, as they are bad.

What Daegor said is that testing results out of 5 is not very reliable, as more repitition (a minimum of 10) need to be done.
You should battle against top-tier defense combos such as Libra/MF Earth C145WB, and do more tests like 20 rounds for each combo
I mean that if you only five battles per test, then you allow too much chance in your testing. For consistancy and accuracy, ten tests is more acceptable, and twenty is preferred.

EDIT: Wow, somehow managed to be double beaten.
I don't have many beyblades:For hybrid wheel i had Stardust Pegasis 100RF,Dark Sagittario WD145SD and Rock Wolf H145B and plastic/light:Wind Wolf WD145WB.
I think you kinda just put some parts and say it is good like I used to do, and like the little kids in our school: Libra 105D, a kid made it. 100 is to low for Virgo, maybe CH120
So, it becomes Virgo CH120RF, my first successful combo...
PROTIP: If you're posting results against a dark wheel you might as well not post.
And he PMed me he said ''Sorry I don't have Ch120''
IT WAS JUST A SUGGESTION! But this combo isn't good at all. I tested a few battles against MF Libra C145WB, Virgo lost 90% of the battles.