(Jun. 28, 2009 5:53 PM)DKS Wrote: Me like violence in a way thats positive to the world and maybe some kids will slap themselves out from getting brain damage from watching non violent programs all edited by the FCC so screw them! Violence is something were going to deal with fo the rest of our lives because these new songs out on the radio all talk about shooting people from different clicks you know? Blame hip hop and all these stuff the leader tries to put out there. Som metal and rock are even selling themselves out because the leaders want us to lose our common sense. Leave violence out there because whats the point now if you see people killing thmselves in front of you. Its a fact not a opinion.
Quote:My saying about violence im trying to talk about is that kids are eventually are going to see it but if parents help them talk about it then things would not be so bad. Im just trying to make a good statement.
Huh? What you just said is like a complete reverse from the 1st quote.
Also, parents that don't want their kids to have violent video games don't get it for them. But kids do have friends with parents that do buy violent games for them, and they go to their house to play them. So they are still getting their own share of exposure either way.