[Unanswered]  Why no Southern California tournaments?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know about Team Shell Shock, but they hardly ever to tournaments. If there are any organizers in SoCal, why aren't you guys holding tournaments? I know I'm always taking the organizer test, but still just a member ;-;. A couple tournaments in LA here and there doesn't count as an 'active' tournament community. At very least I'd like someone to help me figure out why I keep failing (I think... I just do it, wait, and get no response) the organizers test. Please and thank you!
There’s been many SoCal tournaments... what?
I literally just went to a tourney last Saturday at socal https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Grand-P...%98--82563
We had 48 participants ranging from 6 to Adults. I went undefeated untill the deck format finals were I lost 5 to 4 against a
aH 10F Br that Shindog said I could've beat with aH 10 Et instead me relying on my hS 0B Br. I learned a lot during my first tourney , and wish to compete again sometime later this year.