[Unanswered]  Where is the cheapest place to buy Hypersphere?

As a cheapskate deal seeker, I want to find the best deal. If anyone can help, that would be amazing!

P.S I am from the U S of A, so I go by US dollars
This is the only place I know to buy hypersphere. It’s not USD unfortunately but I don’t think there is any place to buy them in the US yet.

Um, Amazon maybe???

Scratch that, Ebay.
I looked up Beyblade Hypersphere on Amazon, and look at these prices!
P.S i cant find out how to post pictures but on amazon the beys are 25 dollars and the set is like 10 dollars more
Walmart now has hypersphere on their website. The vertical drop set is actually selling for under MSRP at only $29.84.
