[Unanswered]  Special bey question

Ive had this on my mind for a while: Why doesnt TT make any CoroCoro beys that have the same parts? (ExampleSmile they made the Shadow bey (can't pronounce the attack ring) which is fine an all but why have we never seen a "brown box bey" that everyone can get like a recolor of a super Z bey? They release all those lottery carp (like RP) & dont give us any stuff we could all be getting. 

Will we ever get a "CoroCoro brown box Z bey that has all the original parts?
Try to consider the business aspect of beyblade when you think about this.

First look at magic the gathering. Everyone needs four copies of the same card. Every few months they take a set of older cards out of rotation and introduce a new set everyone needs 4 copies of each good card from.

In beyblade, everyone only needs one copy of each part (initially, not considering teeth wear and driver springs getting weaker) and that's it. You don't need 4 atomics and 4 winning valkyrie layers. Also, you pick exactly what parts you want except for the random boosters.

So there is a guarantee of what parts you'll get, and you only need one of each. Due to this they have to use recolors in random boosters, and prize versions of otherwise easily available beya in order to drive up sales.

The business of one and done doesn't make as much money as a system that requires constant gambling. Hope that helps a little bit.
(Sep. 13, 2018  7:40 PM)Dodgest Wrote: Ive had this on my mind for a while: Why doesnt TT make any CoroCoro beys that have the same parts? (ExampleSmile they made the Shadow bey (can't pronounce the attack ring) which is fine an all but why have we never seen a "brown box bey" that everyone can get like a recolor of a super Z bey? They release all those lottery carp (like RP) & dont give us any stuff we could all be getting. 

Will we ever get a "CoroCoro brown box Z bey that has all the original parts?

If you're talking about Shadow Orichalcum, its real combo is Aero Bite (the CoroCoro combo) because the layer is actually different than the normal Orichalcum. Being two different Beys, they have two different combos.