Ultimate Tournement of WBBO

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"AND SO PHOENIX, AXEL, KENTA, RYUGA, GINGA, REIJI, SOLACE AND ZERO MAKE IT TO THE FINAL ROUND, ANNOUNCES THE ANNOUNCER!!!". "FIRST ROUND... PHOENIX VS GINGA"!!!. Lets do this Pegasus! said Ginga. 3...2...1...LET IT RIP! "Special move, Pegasus Star Blast Attack"!!. "Foolish Ginga, have you actually forgotten already"!! Huh! Ginga shouts. "At the speed your in, you couldn't defeat me if your life depended on it"! "Nooooooo"!!! shouts Ginga. Pegasus bounces off. "Alright Fireblaze, bring up the heat!!" said Phoenix!! Suddenly a circle of fire surrounds them blocking the battle! The crowd hears a special move like sound. Then the crowd see's a bey go out the ring. "IT'S..... IT'S........THE WINNER IS GINGA!!!.....
Part 1 end!

Part 2:A reign of terror!

"SECOND ROUND...KENTA VS REIJI"!! "Mwahahahahaha" shouts Reiji!! "Oh no, the guy that beat Hyoma and Benkai!!" replies Kenta! 3...2...1...LET IT RIP!
Kenta shoots a bit late. Reiji laugh's but Kenta smile's back. Serpent starts circling Kenta's bey, Kenta starts shouting! "STOP PLEASE STOP, BEYBLADE ISN'T MEANT FOR DESTROYING OTHER'S BEYS, PLEASE!!! PLEASE I CANT LOSE SAGGITARIO STOP!!! YOU MONSTER STOP!!!!! "Special move, Comet Orbit", Saggitario's attempt fails. "Dark move! GROUNDSPIKE GRAVEYARD!!! Ryuga whisper's, so use my special move now will you. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Kenta screams at his highest voice! Saggitario gets split in 3 pieces. The rage is as Hyoma and Benkai's was! The doctor said he was fine, even though he was lying. A ROUND THAT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, SOLACE VS REIJI!!!.....
Part 2 end!
This is best story I have read on this website it's so original. Unlike the other stories I've read, they didn't make since, but this one is good.
Thanks do ya want to make a character to go in it
No thanks, you can do what ever you want with it. Besides I'm not good at coming up namesJoyful_2
Part 3Confusederpent's Deadly Poison!

HAH! "Your parents and bey Comet L Drago are nothing blame them you will lose!". "WHAT DID YOU SAY!........WHAT DID YOU SAY"!!! said solace angrily. "Devastation Revelation"!!! shouted Solace. BOOOOOM!!! The bey stadium started getting ripped apart! When the mist cleared both bey's were standing! "But how!" said Solace. Then, suddenly Serpent shattered. The crowd was cheering and Solace was jumping up and down, however the bey was still spinning! Everyone payed attention to Comet L Drago. "Huh!" said Solace. There was a glass breaking sound! Comet L Drago Shattered and with no bey Solace could not continue. Zero walked up to him and gave him a new bey, Galaxy Pegasus! "I want to see you go through some more Solace, i'm counting on you to be a good match alright"!
Part 4. Soul Blaze vs Mercury Phoenix!!!

LET IT RIP! The two beys clash! The bey stadium set on fire and a wave of energy corrupted the town, everyone felt a loss of energy. The reaction backfired in a massive explosion. "Blaze"! said Axel. "Vortex of Misery"! "Phoenix"! said Zero. "Mirrored World" Sadness filled everyone's heart! "Now everyone will feel the pain I felt, when I asked 10 years ago for help, a helpless kid! But NO! They stood and watched them DIE"!!! said Axel. "Your crazy, that's life, your not the only one, this happens, just accept it"!!! said Zero. A fire closed in on Phoenix blocking the battle, a copy was made that attacked Phoenix, and after, nothing was left. Suddenly Phoenix's came from all directions! In which a drop charge attack from the above real Phoenix followed!!! Both beys were shattered at the same time, then the fire cleared. IT'S A TIE IT'S ACTUALLY A TIE, AND THE FIRST ONE IN BEYBLADE HISTORY!!!!!
part 4 end.
wow kinda confusing but good!
Thanks guys, here's one more

Part 5: Ginga's Redemption! a failure?

FINALLY RYUGA GET'S SOME ACTION IN AN ALL OUT BATTLE AGAINST GINGA!!! said the announcer. 3...2...1 LET IT RIP!!! Pegasus and L Drago were about to clash until.... SMASH! An unknown blader stopped the clash.... or as we know him KYOYA! No! we were so close! said Ginga. How, you didn't make it to 5000 bey points! Actually i signed for a interference! replied Kyoya. By then Ryuga had left! Now you are my opponent Ginga!!! said Kyoya. LET IT RIP! Special move... Tiger Claw! said Kyoya. Special move... Pegasus star blast attack! replied Ginga. Leone ripped Pegasus on the fusion wheel, then Pegasus went in mid air and drop charge attacked Kyoya with thundering force. There was a deafening sound! AND KYOYA WINS! said the announcer. What! said Ginga. Let me explain Ginga! replied Kyoya. Your Pegasus used all his energy in that last attack, but, my defense was high enough to bounce Pegasus off! Meaning all his stamina was wasted! but, if it hit Leone, i also would have lost! but i didn't.

Part:5 end
Cool bro, can't wait until the next part. I know I'm not good at giving out names, but I won't know until I try.
Boy Names:

Chapter 2
part 1: The Newcomer Shuya!

ATTENTION BLADERS AND FANS, WE WOULD PREFER YOU WOULD STAY A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THIS BATTLE!!! said the announcer. IT'S RYUGA VS A NEWCOMER BY THE NAME OF SHUYA! 3..2..1 LET IT RIP! The two beys clashed with titanic force! Velocity AxelBlaze! said Shuya. Velocity Fang! Blaze attacked L Drago with full force! or was it? It seemed that L Drago's damages had been scratched by real fangs or claws about 4 times! L Drago! said Ryuga. Dragon Emperor Sonic Flash! The impact of both bey's special move's was lead to an explosion! The stadium was in some parts ripped off. Blaze, said Shuya. Show them what true power is, end it! L Drago was knocked high in the air and heading for the ground, but before it just touched the ground Blaze knocked it out once more, defeating Ryuga! Blaze went back to Shuya. why did you go easy on him, said Shuya, you might have lost!

Part 1 end!
Part 2Gaspverpower of energy!

NEXT ROUND IS RIKU VS KYOYA! said the announcer.
3..2..1 LET IT RIP! Dark Crasher! said Riku, Avalanche! Ha! said Kyoya. Crasher Blasted in the sky and went so high it was lost in sight! There was a spark in the sky, then after a shooting star coming toward earth! Suddenly a bey bounced off the ground because the shooting star was Crasher, leaving the stadium half damaged! AND KYOYA WINS! said the announcer. But the attack hit Leone so Leone only stopped spinning after Crasher did! AND AXEL, SOLACE, ZERO AND SHUYA MAKE IT TO LAST 3 BATTLES!!!

Part 2 end!
go to Naruto the sealed sword frenzy
heres part 1

Part 1:Advent of evil!

"Naruto"! Shouted Sakura. "Coming"! replied Naruto trying to catch up with Sakura and Sasuke! "We thought you'd never come". said Sasuke. "You really think think I'll miss the battle tournament for the Sealed Sword? replied Naruto. "Stop"! shouted a stranger. "Hey whats your problem"! said Naruto. "I am Netsuro". said the stranger. He jumped off the tree and landed in front of them. "Catch you guys later"! said Sasuke running past the stranger. "Hey"! said Naruto. "I'm not gonna miss the tournament"! he said running past the stranger. "Yeah"! said Sakura. "Leave a girl to fight a stranger all alone huh". Netsuro's eyes started to glow red! "What is this"! screamed Sakura. It seemed he was somehow making her scared? Naruto and Sasuke were busy racing until they heard Sakura scream! They were both shocked, but when they got back she was gone? They went to the tournament and reported to the hokage. The hokage was shocked and kicked them out the tournament. They all looked out the window at two fighting competitors! "That's the guy that took Sakura"! said Naruto. But it cant be..... said the hokage. You two must compete to beat the clan and get back Sakura! But why grandma! said Naruto......

To Be Continued!