Ultimate Balance combo help?

First off, hello everyone! I have literally just joined this forum because I heard how friendly and helpful the community is.
Now though, I am a blader who has been going for about a year and believe it or not I am still coming to grips with how good my pieces are, spin tracks etc, and have been attempting(emphasis on attempting LOL) to make a bey that has great stamina, will take a beating and will also provide a sturdy attack of its own. The best I came up with was Basalt Kerbecs BD145MB but I actually lost the damn thing! Any suggestions are appreciated and accepted. Thanks all,
Welcome to the WBO!Grin
Make sure to read and follow the rules in the message Kai-V sent you!
also if you need help with a combo go here:
Thanks for the help ryukiba I shall visit that forum now.


Thread sorry