USA Team Inferno

Yo guys,
Team Inferno started off as a local group in Florida, but now we have all decided to go public. If you want to join, just PM me this form:

Reason for joining:
Main Bey:
Rank wanted:
General Area:
What you could bring to the team:

Once you have finished, I will credit you on my signature. We are based in Florida, but will accept members from anywhere. Please no spam or bad comments.

Moderators: I had another thread, but I realised I hadn't put enough, so could you delete the old one please?

Hope to see all of ya PMs
Sure man, I would LOVE to join.
Name: Zack Blaze
Reason for joining: Wanting a good fire themed team to join
Main Bey: Thermal Gemios
Rank wanted: Whatever's fire
General Area: Florida
What you could bring to the team: I could bring, um, well, A new member
On the Rank Wanted, I mean whatever's free