[USA,Maryland] Arise Spring Cherry Blossom

Poll: Will you pay an extra dollar for snacks? Gravity Perseus or Hell Kerbecs for 1st place prize?

Gravity Perseus
Hell Kerbecs
Total: 100% 63 vote(s)
Can we just wait till Bdaichi is free in his own time? Because Galaxy takes too long. All he does is play games play games. And it IS his responsibilty to do this. I rather wait for BDaichi. He's too lazy to get anything done.

(Feb. 26, 2011  1:09 PM)®otation Wrote: Can we just wait till Bdaichi is free in his own time? Because Galaxy takes too long. All he does is play games play games. And it IS his responsibilty to do this. I rather wait for BDaichi. He's too lazy to get anything done.

Would give me some time i trying to Write down what i need to write
By the time we wait for BDaichi, we might as well just go to the one he is going to host in the spring at DC, I'd like to go to 2 tourneys this year. And I think Galaxy is responsible enough to host this, just give him some time, and he'll figure things out.
(Feb. 26, 2011  2:55 PM)earthleone234 Wrote: By the time we wait for BDaichi, we might as well just go to the one he is going to host in the spring at DC, I'd like to go to 2 tourneys this year. And I think Galaxy is responsible enough to host this, just give him some time, and he'll figure things out.
Thanks man
I agree with earthleone. Galaxy is resposible to do this. So Galaxy, anything I can help with?
All right but I'm just saying I'VE Known him... Thats all.
(Feb. 26, 2011  1:09 PM)®otation Wrote: Can we just wait till Bdaichi is free in his own time? Because Galaxy takes too long. All he does is play games play games. And it IS his responsibilty to do this. I rather wait for BDaichi. He's too lazy to get anything done.

seriously no offense dude but u should just stop bad mouthing galaxy sure u know him but he is serious about this tourney ok so just stop and to not spam a just got burning firestrike stadium so if im coming i will bring it
I'm not badmouthing him? Its called facts. How many times do I have to say it? I HAVE KNOWN him. Chill.
Just wanted everyone to know this, even though it is off topic.

There is going to be a Japan Fair in Rockville!
So come check it out

Hows the tourney set up going?
Just Made an Proposal :D
Instead of making a whole new thread for one item, I'm just gonna post it here since i'll be attending this event.

I'm selling my used bb-10 attack stadium. Same stadium i use in my videos on youtube. Very good condition. No dents, bumps, or cracks. Comes with 7 piece fence.
23 bucks or highest bidder. Just see me at the event, gimme money, i give you stadium.

DO NOT reply to this post in this thread. If you have questions pm me.
Pm me if you're interested or want to offer a higher price. I'll update this post with highest bidder.
(Feb. 28, 2011  7:30 PM)Otsu Wrote: Instead of making a whole new thread for one item, I'm just gonna post it here since i'll be attending this event.

I'm selling my used bb-10 attack stadium. Same stadium i use in my videos on youtube. Very good condition. No dents, bumps, or cracks. Comes with 7 piece fence.
23 bucks or highest bidder. Just see me at the event, gimme money, i give you stadium.

DO NOT reply to this post in this thread. If you have questions pm me.
Pm me if you're interested or want to offer a higher price. I'll update this post with highest bidder.
why you just make an Audition whoes ever get the highest Bid Get MFB Attack Stadium BUT AFTER the Event
galaaxy is this official im coming i got some one to take me and have a new condition bey and launch horay im cming not maybe anymore so this got proposed kai v answered what was her anwswer
did they make a proposal yet
he made the propoasal but i dont know the answer
like what BillyBlast said ahead for me i know him and i am coming most likly dont have a ride yet but i have permission to come so put me down as a almost oh and dont answer this like questions i wont be on for a while again
I know it is late, but I am coming.
Galaxy hows the Proposal coming?
(Mar. 08, 2011  4:33 AM)Ichiro Wrote: Galaxy hows the Proposal coming?
it seem is might get official ill check on Flame he's our veteran Judge and only chance to make this Official
I can probably come if the time and date doesnt change all the time like other tournament have.
Can sombody post a reply with a map of the exact location so i dont get lost.
(Mar. 09, 2011  2:31 AM)popitpopit Wrote: I can probably come if the time and date doesnt change all the time like other tournament have.
Can sombody post a reply with a map of the exact location so i dont get lost.
Its on the first page with google Maps.
i Might change location alittle but ill check tomarrow