Poll: Name

Hell Raisers
Chaos Raisers
Total: 100% 2 vote(s)
well the name was hell raisers but then we figured out our mascot hell kerbecs sucked so we changed it to Chaos Raisers

we are in need of good bladers because we only have two me and another one who is like the madoka of our team

if you want to join the form is on the http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-usa-Hell-Raisers

the form is on the http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-usa-Hell-Raisers
The team sub forum rules state only one thread per team.
i cant change the title if i could i would of but we just created the chaos raisers because hell raisers just fell apart atfer 2 people quit so we just quit hell raisers and formed the chaos raisers
Yes, you can change the title of a thread if you're the creator of the thread. Use the Full Edit function.