Trading Collection

hi guys! sorry i can't really put on a photo but i'l tell you what i have

Ray Gasher M145 Q (unrealest)

Storm Pegasus 105 RF

Inferno Segittario 145 S

Storm Wolf 125 FS (unrealest)

Dark Segittario CH120 HF (used)

Midnight Bull 145 S

Lightning L-drago SW145 RS

Thermal Pisces T125 ES

i wont tread any thing for Flame libra T125 ES
,Flame byxis 230 WD
,Galaxy Pegasus W105 R2F
Cyber Pegasus 105 F

so i hope you can trade
Actually, i don't have a bey... I'm just about to buy one later
I'm really sorry
(Nov. 03, 2012  12:42 AM)julac_15 Wrote: Actually, i don't have a bey... I'm just about to buy one later
I'm really sorry

it's okay,when you get beyblades then we can trade.
So you're saying you're also here in the Philippines?
Where are you staying then?
You must have a photo before you put the thread up, or this thread is as good as closed.