[Toronto,Ontraio,Canada] WBO Invaders

Location: This tournament will be held at Dufferin Grove Park. It's located just a short walk south of Dufferin station.
Date: Saturday, december 4 , 2010.
Time: The tournament will start at 1:00 P.M. (noon) but you should get there at 12:30am.
Cost: Its not official yet so for now the cost is 0.00$
Format: Standard Format - This means MFB/B:MF for the main tournament, and no Metal System Libra wheel. Feel free to bring HMS, plastics, or Libra for free battles.

Prizes: 1st place TT stadium 2nd place A beyblade and third place is A metal face
Directions: If you're taking the subway, get off at Dufferin station and walk a block and a half south.
If I'm not at the entrance, chances are I've already went to the tournament grounds. Follw the path and you should find me.


Possiable attendees[/color]
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