Thunder Bladers [Closed]

Before, Thunder Bladers was just a team of friends. The teams area is Minnesota or Wisconsin, USA. If you want to join, post below. We all looking for Combo Specialist for team combination advice and Mechanics for bey-fixing cleaning, etc. tips. I'm the leader. We don't have a second-in command. I will decide who's the second-in command. Also ask questions! ~Kai800~
You should post what area your team is in, so that way people will know if they are in your area...
Ok. I'm just trying to find members for tournaments or for teams or people who just want to call them selves on of the team, I guess. But, I'm guessing that the area would be Minnesota.
Well then, post that in your OP and title, it should look like this:
[Minnesota,USA] Thunder Bladers.
Ok thanks.
That look better?
Unhappy No one wants to join... Unhappy Im sad now Crying
No ones going to join I guess...
You could have edited your last post instead of posting 2 more times
Well I sure wish I could join but I'm nowhere near that place.Even if could I'd probably be a Bey Mechanic
Hm. Good idea.....
Unhappy I think I'm going to close this down.
You could have edited your last post like I said before
I know but whats the point when no ones going to join.
This team is no longer open.