The raging waters has brought another challenger to shore!

Hey everyone! Kinda glad to be here. From what I saw, this seems to be quite the welcoming place and I hope you will give me and my Hyper Aquario the same greeting! ^^v Where's all the Orlando Beybladers at?! >=3
Welcome to the WBO! Im a Floridian Blader aswell but more down south.
Whassup. Be a good member and read Kai-V's message to you.
Done and done, Gale and how far down south, BeyDudette? o 3o I'm like in Central Orlando-ish..
Welcome buddy! I'm in Miami, anytime your looking for a battle and dont mind a bit of a road trip, I'm always looking for someone to battle!
(Mar. 15, 2011  10:39 PM)ParanoidBlader Wrote: Done and done, Gale and how far down south, BeyDudette? o 3o I'm like in Central Orlando-ish..
West Palm but I always go to Orlando for vacations all the time
Welcome to the WBO! I'm a Florida Blader as well. Grin
Welcome to the WBO forums and have a nice time blading
Welcome to the WBO!! You should look into threads for Florida tourneys in North America forum
Thank you, everyone and I will look at the Florida thread. Thanks for telling me. n_n