The original BeyBlade?

back before they went all"Chibi"? I think if they didnt change the animation style i would have stayed interested in them alot longer than I was. Does anyone agree with me?
i don't even though they battles were worse in season 2 because the cgi blade moved so slowly in that season, they sorted that by g revolution though.
Yeah I do remember how horrible they looked in the Chibi version lol. I also remember them introducing a girl and only certain people being able to see the Bit Beast which was kind of confusing since I thought it was common knowledge from the information we got in the first season (i.e. the American making artificial Bit Beasts and like every country having atleast 4 Bit Beasts lol) I just remember being alot more interested when it didnt look like 8 year olds playing.
i disagree because their poofy and ugly faces made it harder to look at them. v force wasnt any better, then g rev was a definite improvement
Well while I do agree that the facial features werent the best out there I still prefer them not looking like little kids.. Its kind of like Dragonball and Dragonball Z where when Goku was like 13 he looked so young but when Gohan was 11 he looked older and i liked that.. Maybe because Im 6'4" and it was nice to have taller kids when I was younger lol
They WERE little kids. They were only 11 years old.
lol that only happened because akira started improving his mangaka inking skills. and the only reason that their looks drastically changed is i think because they changed the animators completely. and i think G Rev had them look a lot older than the original?
well at the time the anime came out I was about 12 or 13 so I didnt like that they went from looking like my age to half my age lol and I stopped watching when they went to the different animation so I really dont know what they looked like after that season
ah.. well i dont think v force is really worth watching. id just go ahead and go to g rev instead. i think youll be pleased lol
well if they aired it in the USA some time soon I suppose I would watch it lol
g rev was the best season imo but there is good videos online
maybe when we get a better internet connection Ill look it up but right now its just not in the cards to even watch a 2 minute video let alone a 20 minute video
well we steal it from one of our neighbors and it is "VERY LOW" so yeah lol our internet should be back up after the holidays
THIEF! joke but you should check out the season once you get your broadband because its seriously more epic.
I doubt this deserves its own topic. We all basically know that Beyblade 2002 was bad ... If you want, use this topic, or the Random Beyblade Anime/Manga Thoughts thread :