The black sun workshop- Bey mods

So, as my parents have kept pushing as they see my modifications of bey parts, i have finally decided to make my own thread of bey mods. I will try to update often. 
The mods i will show, i will also say how they were made.

First mod, i call it the “Shock” driver.
 [Image: DstDU0ZWkAAaHw0?format=jpg&name=large]
How i made this one took a bit of time. I used a pair of pliers to make the jaggy into a cone shape, then i had to find a proper spring. Turns out, the way i shaped it fits a perfect spring. That spring is found in the “yokai watch model zero”. Specifically, right here. I had to take apart the whole thing. So if you have a spare model 0/a broken one, this is a mod for you
[Image: DstDU0bXgAEP-c0?format=jpg&name=small]
The piece is what you’d expect from a hole flat, but it’s fun to use.
Cool do you have a mod where you 3d print a beyblades for someone?
No, nothing like that. I use parts i have around, like pens and stuff, and see what i can do to mix them with for beys. Standard things, not expensive. (Plus i dont own a 3d printer)
Blacksun, I wrote in beyblade random thoughts about something simlar. Putting springs on the tips of beyblades is an amazing idea!
(Nov. 23, 2018  6:49 PM)#Fafnir Wrote: Blacksun, I wrote in beyblade random thoughts about this. Putting springs on the tips of beyblades is an amazing idea!

Yep! Only thing is they make all beys basically attack type
Yeah Im posting a link to what I wrote here: at the very bottom. Also, check out the stuff above it. It's pretty interesting.
Is it okay to post a thing here? Or would you not want that? I wanted to share a similar thing here but wondered if it would be inconsiderate to just post on your thread