The Tornado VS The Building? (Pegasis T125RF VS Pegasis 145RF Comparison)

I was looking at T125 one day, and I noticed the.. "edges?" underneath the track, and I thought it could be useful for Attack, so I tried it on my Pegasis as soon as I got my Attack stadium, so here are the results:

Alternating Beyblades ASAP.
WB was shot at about 65% power, as my WB is worn.
Used a Takara Tomy Attack Stadium.
both were used by a Right beylauncher with a grip.

As you can see, there is a 20% Win Ratio Difference. Now,
before any one of you start trolling on me: (Click to View)
Your Feedback/Tests/Opinion is welcome.
I approve of this, for some people call gimmick tracks like T125 "garbage", yet they don't see the beauty. HOWEVER, I find 125 is better than T125 for Attacking. But, I think yuo did good with this test. I may do it myself IF I get a new Pegasis wheel.
well you are going to an mf or 2 to prove it because the top tier combo is mf pegasis 145 rf but good testing anyways :]
(Jan. 24, 2011  3:43 AM)majinshadow11 Wrote: well you are going to an mf or 2 to prove it because the top tier combo is mf pegasis 145 rf but good testing anyways :]

It should essentially be the same if both are given a MF. (Pegasis T125RF and Pegasis 145RF)
I've been using MF Pegasis CH120RF against MF-H Earth Bull GB145RSF and it fairs decently, but nowhere near 75%. Against MF-H Libra GB145RSF it does even worse.

But nonetheless, I think this shows that the Pegasis wheel actually does better at around the 120 area than 145.
Just throwing this out there: RSF,CS,and GB145 variants of testing would be appreciated if possible.
(Jan. 24, 2011  3:54 AM)Evan Wrote: But nonetheless, I think this shows that the Pegasis wheel actually does better at around the 120 area than 145.

i've found that pegasis works best even lower- 85-100, but this will be defeated by 230 easily. if these tests are accurate, and more tests show that 120/125 height is better against 145 defence than pegasis 145(provided there were tests with cs, rs, rsf), then pegasis ch120 is the best option. ch120 against 145, ch145 against 230.
Because 125 wont do as well against 230 compared to 145 against 230
(Jan. 24, 2011  4:08 AM)SSJfisherman Wrote: i've found that pegasis works best even lower- 85-100, but this will be defeated by 230 easily. if these tests are accurate, and more tests show that 120/125 height is better against 145 defence than pegasis 145(provided there were tests with cs, rs, rsf), then pegasis ch120 is the best option. ch120 against 145, ch145 against 230.
Because 125 wont do as well against 230 compared to 145 against 230

We shouldn't test against RS as it's basically useless; seeing how it's already been established that Pegasis sucks against RS, having a almost zero win rate. We could however join this thread with another thread posting MF Pegasis_RF Variants.
i dont have rs, but if it gets a 0% win rate at 120 and 145 height, then is pegasis even worth testing? if there are other wheels that can achieve a good win rate, then whats the point of pegasis anymore. Meteo l drago, gravity perseus are wheels that i think, should be replacing pegasis. 0% win rate is definately not top tier.
Maybe so, but this is getting somewhat Off Topic.
Damn, I was doing a first test and one of my Beylauncher's prongs broke, after having it for almost two years. Hopefully I can buy a Hasbro one tomorrow and contribute to this topic.
Nice tests pocky! Just wondering, do you have any other viable defense bottoms other than WB such as CS?
Wow. 20% difference? I might test this, mind if its on super attack?
MF pegasis 145 r2f vs MF earth aquario c145CS
Super attack staduim
Pegasis: 70%
Aquario: 30%
MF pegasis T125R2F
Super attack
Aquario: 40%
pegasis: i knew it would lose, so i didn't continue
MF pegasis 135r2f
Pegasis: same as up ^
IMO You shouldn't stop testing a Bey because the first few matches were losses and you deemed it useless. For all we know those next few tests, Pegasis could of won a few Uncertain
Yeah, but seeing as aquario got another 10% of winrate, pegasis is surely gonna die.
I realize that but at the very least you should have continued the test to the end
However this is getting a bit off-topic.

I was surprised by Pockyx3 results
So eventually I plan on doing my own tests as soon as I can aquire a T125
(Jan. 24, 2011  3:38 PM)Shika blade Wrote: Yeah, but seeing as aquario got another 10% of winrate, pegasis is surely gonna die.

Super attack doesnt really count... beys cannot move to the center of the stadium...
(Jan. 24, 2011  6:13 AM)Nojo294 Wrote: Nice tests pocky! Just wondering, do you have any other viable defense bottoms other than WB such as CS?

I do have a RS, but I would rather not do tests with RS unless somebody requests it.

Anyways, since this is a Pegasis Comparison, I also did tests with CH120 (120 mode, and 145)

Pegasis CH120RF: (Click to View)

Pegasis CH145RF: (Click to View)

The two CH120/CH145 results have the exact same win rate, and they look almost as equal as T125, as they could've easily scored another win if lucky. I personally support SJJ Fisherman's opinion of using CH120 over T125 for versatility after seeing the test results.
Metal Face Bakushin Libra (Dark Version) GB145. Is it any good?
(EDIT) Carp wrong thread Pinching_eyes_2 my bad...
No it isn't. It has no bottom. AFAIK: We're talking about T145..?
carp I went to the wrong thread. Let me remove that if I can DX
Just by the way, I got :

MF Pegasis T125RF Vs. MF Earth Bull C145WB - 7/20.
MF Pegasis T125RF Vs. MF Earth Bull GB145CS - 1/10.
MF Pegasis 145RF Vs. MF Earth Bull C145WB - 18/20.
MF Pegasis 145RF Vs. MF Earth Bull GB145CS - 10/20.

However I will try again later. I want to see how MF Pegasis 85RF performs as well, in comparison to 145.
I've got some tests as well.


MF Pegasis 145RF vs. MF-H Earth Bull GB145CS: 12-8
MF Pegasis 145RF vs. MF-H Earth Bull GB145RSF: 10-10

MF Pegasis T125RF vs. MF-H Earth Bull GB145CS: 9-11
MF Pegasis T125RF vs. MF-H Earth Bull GB145RSF: 12-8

Personally, I don't seem to get much difference regardless of the track I use. Still, it's nice that Pegasis can work at a medium height.
does anyone think that d125, like t125, could be helpful as well.