The Legend of Zelda

(Sep. 14, 2011  12:00 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: There's sometimes (like where you have to actually close the screen to press the maps together) that cause anger.

That drove me insane. I hated that. Talk about interactive.
Phantom Hourglass was insanely easy. I have no idea what you're talking about. :\ It's just slightly long, that's all.
Woah, was that Beetle the shop keeper? For some reason, if it is, I'll be happy.

With the whole "enemies dropping loot" part, I'm kinda disappointed. I never really liked that aspect of Spirit Tracks Uncertain But at least they have a purpose now.

I do like the Wind Waker - esque feel of it though.
I just finished Phantom Hourglass.

That. Is my favorite video game ever. First, the gameplay is really unique, and takes good aspects from the 2D and 3D games. Second, the story. That ending was the best ending ever. The whale was there, and they woke up, so was it a dream like Link's awakening? But the ship was there, So was it like Majora's Mask? But it was 10 minutes, so was it like Link's awakening? But he had the phantom hourglass, so was it like Majora's Mask?

Oh my goodness. That's so awesome. For 10 minutes all that came out of my mouth was

"oh man, was it-"
"no, but-"
"oh geez"
"yeah, but it-"
"holy smokes, it has to-"
"but it"
"Yeah maybe"
"no way"

There is no answer, I could guess and guess and guess for eternity and it could still be either.

Oh man, I love it.
my pesonal favorite zelda game is Minish Cap i grew up with its my 1# zelda game 2# is Ocarina Of Time 3# is LTTP 4# is Majora Mask
well i complete the first game 2 days ago. also, nintendo is giving away yet another zelda game for dsi and 3ds owners, four swords i think. apparently the original was two-four players only, but this one now alows single player, but im not sure you can go 2-4 player aswell.
Yeah, you can do 1-4 players. That's pretty cool because it's a pretty fun game, even though it's more of a party game than anything else. I posted a video on the previous page.

There's also maps from LOZ, AOL, ALTTP, LA in it that you can play in four swords style.

It will be released on the 28th and will be free.

Now I'm just wondering if the rumor about Minish Cap being on the ambassador program is true... Then I'll have every major Zelda release! Screw CDI and Game Watch.
cool, minish cap, just heard about that game a few days ago. at this rate ill have all the games unavailable for the ds on my 3ds. this 25th anniversary thing must be making Nintendo lose money.
(Sep. 19, 2011  1:19 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: Now I'm just wondering if the rumor about Minish Cap being on the ambassador program is true... Then I'll have every major Zelda release! Screw CDI and Game Watch.

Hopefully Minish Cap is on being on the ambassador program is true the game was amazing game.
Most LoZ games are, but there are some exceptions.
*cough* CD-i *cough*

Is that it? I'm pretty sure there were more bad ones, too.
there's 3 C-DI games, a zelda Game Watch (which is basically a watch with a really bad game on it), Link's crossbow training. Those are all the really bad ones i can think of.
Other than those, Four swords adventures, Oracle of ages, and oracle of seasons aren't available on virtual console.

Australia release date confirmed
crossbow training isn't that bad, it's just the game doesn't feel like a zelda game but a first person shooter mini game bonaza. it's quite chaleging, expecaly with my fear of skulltulars for one particular level. i will most like not buy skyward sword, but im going to enter every comp i find and ask for it for christmas, at least it comes out here in australia way before then.
I was just listing all the one-off Zelda games I could think of.

I' sure it isn't terrible, but definitely not as good as the main Zelda titles.
And another post:
That seems cool
And the fire temple and it's boss.

Yeah you're right, that's the website I always go to.
I think that's enough videos for me to watch, personally. Don't wanna spoil it Tongue_out Which is what I usually do, then when I play it, I'm like,
Yup, I should be facing this boss now. Kill it like that, do this... No fun, right?
I'm playing twilight princess right now. I'm so scared to die. And Midna is creepy.
BRAGGING RIGHTS: i just played skyward sword at the nintendo conection tour. man it's tricky, the skulltulars are hard as, but at least they are not scary. the boss i got to battle doesn't look hard at first, but that quickly changed when he pulled out a sword and started slashing with that. the controls are so acutrat that you have to center it at the start to get it right. i also got a new zelda ocarina and borrowed twilight princess.
I pre-ordered Skyward Sword Collector's Edition and paid about half of it off. Grin
I only played OoT on the good old '64. It is probably the BEST game I have ever played even though I'm not a massive fan of this kind of game. Its awesome.
(Sep. 27, 2011  6:21 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: I think this is interesting. What do you think?

I like Zelda games without voice acting. I guess it'd be okay for everyone else to talk, but I want Link to remain the silent Protagonist. I think his grunts when he attacks with his sword is enough. Smile