Taking care of your equipment

Poll: Do you take care of your beyblade equipment?

Total: 100% 112 vote(s)
Give me a way to keep my beys awesome and everyone admires them
Do not use them and put them in a beautiful glass Table or cupboard not too big one..
(Jul. 27, 2012  2:58 PM)FlamingFury Wrote: A good way to clean your beys is to take the bey completely apart, put the parts on a paper towel, get some red solo cups, put the separate parts in them. For parts where you can remove other materials(ex. RF), or even the same material(ex. SW145) do it for cleaning.

for plastic parts: get warm water, with a few drops of hand soap, and 1 drop of dish soap.
for metal parts: get hot water, with at least 5 drops of dish soap.
for rubber parts: get cold/warm water, with a few drops of dish soap.
for metal/plastic parts: get warm water, with 1 drop of hand soap, and 1 drop of dish soap.
for plastic/rubber parts: get cold/warm water, with 3 drops of hand soap, and 2 drops of dish soap.
Wash for at least 5 minutes than use q-tips with 75% alcohol on the separate parts. Rince thouraly in very cold water. Place the parts calmly on a paper towel in front of a heater. Turn the heater on low. After the parts are dry keep them in front of the heater for another few minutes. This is known as heat theropy and it slightly increases the beys preformance. WARNING: the bey will becomee demented if heated too long at once.

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I polish my metal wheels with vinegar and a product called "there's no shine like mothers". makes them shine like they just came out of the box.