I know how stuffed it gets in good games, and if you have 30 or so people it should ve fine, and now that we've talked to the people moving tables won't be a problem.
Raykon and I have both done all aspects of tournament organization before, although primarily he takes care of getting people to come who are close to him while I do more ofnthe background work.
Also, who will be judging? You'll need to have a very woodworking knowledge of thie rulebook, and you'll need quite a few judges for things to move quickly. How many stadiums can you provide?
Bur wood park isn't exactly a good venue as it's hard to find a level playing field, tips and parts easily get damaged from the concrete etc and it is less trustworthy for the first timers and younger bladders to attend.
Last time I kind of run the whole thing with around 40 people from memory and it's very strenuous.