Super Smash Bros. Brawl

I not like the removal of advanced techniques is going to hurt the game. The best players in brawl are going to be the people with the best spacing, reflexes, mind games and prediction. Not the people who practice robotic button movements. I'm really happy with the changes they've made.
I have to agree with Ichida on this one. This game is gonna be really REALLY awesome. SO what if they don't have many things melee had? Its still gonna be good. Wifi matches, a storyline, new characters, I could go on forever.
How do you even know all that has even been removed?
Ichida Wrote:How do you even know all that has even been removed?

well its out in japan...

um just to make things clear i didn't say the game was going to suck,
but competitive players won't be happy with it.
Well, I guess I'm glad I never learned how to do most of those then. Fresh.
Ichida Wrote:How do you even know all that has even been removed?

You are aware that the game came out in Japan last Thursday?
From what I read the removals are mostly a positive thing, in the sense that removing snaking would be good for Mario Kart.
I like that they removed that stuff. I always figured that I could most likely beat the people that used it if they couldn't.
Maybe all the videos you've seen are just recorded by players who don't know how to do those.
Mr. Toto Wrote:Well, I guess I'm glad I never learned how to do most of those then. Fresh.

Ichida Wrote:Maybe all the videos you've seen are just recorded by players who don't know how to do those.

go on the smash forums,
its truth.
good thing i'm only a casual player. haha
Meh. Whatever. This is still a new layer of competition. So it's simplified a little. I'm already involved in a few to-be tourneys and I know of two conventions already planning to host epic Brawl tournaments.
SexyMichael Wrote:I not like the removal of advanced techniques is going to hurt the game. The best players in brawl are going to be the people with the best spacing, reflexes, mind games and prediction. Not the people who practice robotic button movements. I'm really happy with the changes they've made.


I was never good because I could do these bizarre 'exploitative' maneuvers (I never did, actually - never really knew about them). I was good because I am a quick thinker.

It's a fun game that will be released, not the second coming of Christ. Some of you who will go unnamed are taking things too far for your own good. Focus your energy on more worthwhile things.

So can we all stop this nerdgasm fanboyism and conduct this thread as if we're not 10-year-old girls about to attend a Jonas Brothers concert? kthnx
Ichida Wrote:Meh. Whatever. This is still a new layer of competition. So it's simplified a little. I'm already involved in a few to-be tourneys and I know of two conventions already planning to host epic Brawl tournaments.

oh my god would you just carp move to korea already
Ichida Wrote:Maybe all the videos you've seen are just recorded by players who don't know how to do those.

This has to be the most ridiculous post this thread entire board has ever seen.
Mr. Toto Wrote:Well, I guess I'm glad I never learned how to do most of those then. Fresh.

qft x2
A well known Smash player went over to the E 4 All and tried out all the advance techniques, and from what he says, their out.

=/ I don't mean to sound like a douche or anything, cuz I know that they're casual players who play this game for fun, and I hope nothing I say insults them. But the advance techniques in Melee (even 64 smash) opened up loads of possibilities.

Taking out L(ag)-Cancelling hurts. Basically this technique allows you to cut down the frames of lag that each aerial has when you hit the ground. Like best examples of this are Bowser's back air or Link's down air. They have loads of lag (Bowser landing on his back, sliding back and rocking back to his feet, or Link's sword plant into the ground, where he pulls the sword out) and with this technique it allows you to open doors for combos/strats.

Wavedashing is a technique where you make an alternate form of movement. It's very good for opening up possibilities for offensive approaches. With running towards an enemy comes only 2 options; dash attack or grab. With wavedashing, not only can you mix-up your approach with wavedashing towards the enemy, and then back away from them to possibly psych them out, or wavedashing in with say a forward smash or an up tilt.

There are so many more things about these advance techniques that created new strats. But to list them all, I could take all day. But thats just those techniques. I dont really care much about them taking out wavedashing, but LCancelling has been around since 64 Smash so taking it out now is sorta gay.

If new techs are made that substitute ones gone, then this game will be beyond awesome. My friends have played it already, and they tell me it loads of fun so atleast thats good.

LOL for the record Ichi, I'm one of the big tournament organizers in Canada. I think I know my carp about the competitive circle. I'm not gonna whip out my c0ck about how good I am lol.

moar LOL @ Sam comment XDDD!
so basically you now have to actually play the game better instead of using obscure techniques

those things were never meant to be there in the first place
Quote:Taking out L(ag)-Cancelling hurts. Basically this technique allows you to cut down the frames of lag that each aerial has when you hit the ground. Like best examples of this are Bowser's back air or Link's down air. They have loads of lag (Bowser landing on his back, sliding back and rocking back to his feet, or Link's sword plant into the ground, where he pulls the sword out) and with this technique it allows you to open doors for combos/strats.
Having such a broken mechanic in the game hurt. Those moves are made to have poor recovery for a reason. It is a part of balancing the character. Those moves were strong. You can't expect to have your cake and eat it too. There has to be a tradeoff.

Quote:Wavedashing is a technique where you make an alternate form of movement. It's very good for opening up possibilities for offensive approaches. With running towards an enemy comes only 2 options; dash attack or grab. With wavedashing, not only can you mix-up your approach with wavedashing towards the enemy, and then back away from them to possibly psych them out, or wavedashing in with say a forward smash or an up tilt.
Orrrrrr you could just roll back and forth with your shield still on for virtually the same effect. Again, the move screwed around with balance. There has to be a cost/risk to doing anything. Ask yourself if wave-dashing was really necessary. Some characters have projectiles, and there is also the factor of terrain to take into consideration.

Quote:There are so many more things about these advance techniques that created new strats. But to list them all, I could take all day. But thats just those techniques. I dont really care much about them taking out wavedashing, but LCancelling has been around since 64 Smash so taking it out now is sorta gay.
They weren't 'advanced techniques'; they were exploitative mechanics. The game was designed to be a simplistic fighter that was easy to pick up, but difficult to master. All these moves did was take away consequences and create imbalance. It helped make it so that only certain characters were chosen (Sheik, Marth, and Fox mostly) because others weren't as effective at it. I really don't want to see only three characters while playing the game online - that's dull.

Quote:If new techs are made that substitute ones gone, then this game will be beyond awesome. My friends have played it already, and they tell me it loads of fun so atleast thats good.
How about we use what the game has given us and let our actual skill do the talking rather than unoriginal moves. Learn to think and react faster. How hard is that?

Quote:LOL for the record Ichi, I'm one of the big tournament organizers in Canada. I think I know my carp about the competitive circle. I'm not gonna whip out my c0ck about how good I am lol.
This. Ironing. Delicious.

And don't get me started on edge-blocking. I am an angry Ommy tonight.
well I don't care for all this carp cuz I am playing for 3 reasons: 1. The great story line. 2. Playing online and with friends. 3. cuz its Smash Bros. I play games for the fun of them. as for my gaming technique, I just use moves that I know will send my opponents flying.
The great storyline?

I think its a good storyline. besides it shows all the characters working together and isn't that what we all want?
Virtually all moves send your opponent flying (or assist in doing so). That is the point of the game.

That's like me saying that when I have sex, I just do things that I know will make my partner climax.
Ominous Wrote:Virtually all moves send your opponent flying (or assist in doing so). That is the point of the game.

That's like me saying that when I have sex, I just do things that I know will make my partner climax.

Some of us only do things to make sure we ourselves climax. Serious
You self-indulgent prick.

Fine, bad example. How about, "When I am hungry. I just do things that I know will get food into my stomach." Does that work for you?