Sup brahs.

Yo, I'm new to this beyblade business. Played it when i was a kid but never seriously. I've bought a lot on ebay of loads of random parts, and just trying to put stuff together right now. Oh and I'm playing with plastics, don't really see the appeal of HMS, or MFB right now Uncertain.
I love the Anime, mainly series one and three. Yes Kai is my hero. I love Hip-Hop Music, and reading Philosophy.
Anyway, just thought i'd introduce myself quickly Tongue_out


Edit: I'm from Hereford, a city in England, UK.
Welcome to the WBO! Where do you live?
^^ Woo for Plastics. Tongue_out
And Welcome to WBO. Grin
Welcome! Grin Have you tried HMS or MFB? The battles are more intense and there's a bit more of skill to it (mostly in MFB). Smile
Welcome to the WBO. Grin Definitely try and check out the new beyblades but have fun whatever you use. Joyful_3
Awesome! We have a lot of UK Bladers here!Check out the Official Events topic for any fan-based tournaments near you!
Welcome to the WBO! Grin

woo more uk members
Welcome to the WBO.

You really should try out MFB before passing judgement on them.
Welcome to the WBO! Smile