Star Wars: Forced Unleased II

My lil bro just got the game for his bday. I cant wait to play it. What do you guys think of the game thus far? It looks totally bad @$$
we would have gotten the colectors edition for the 360, but it was out of stock...on the bright side we saved money on the gift!
So many people I know beat this game in one day. Uncertain
thats not surprising. old game was like that (minus the insanly hard boss levels)

just beat the 1st 2 lvls in an hour...although agian, its a pretty bad @$$ game. i recomend it highly
mind trick is the funniest thing in the world =D
Might be awesome, but if you can finish it in a day, or even a week, there isn't much replay value...

Then again, I haven't played it. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan...
Looks really cool. Thought the first one was awesome although i'm not gonna get it since I don't have any of the consoles it's on unfortunately Unhappy
its for Wii, Xbox360, and PS3. how did you get 1 if you dont have any of the consoles?

wasnt there a PSP or DS game for the 1st one? maybe that is how
I don't really game. It's expensive and i'd rather spend the money on beys. I have a PS2 though and the first one was on PS2 as well so thats how I played the first one.
Star wars games just went mutant looking jedi clones fast or GJCW (Galactic Jedi Clone Wars).
what??? i didnt understand a word of what you wrote