Shows/movies that you hate with all your being [Please elaborate!]

Another CN carp these days are scaredy squirrel. Its about a scared squirrel who has a job. ANd they have the worst plot ever and one of the worst titles ever.
Disney. I hated the way they replaced Jetix. all the shows on the channel were ridiculous and weren't funny at all.
1 movie i hate the most is the last airbender. i mean the show was good but their special effects were carp. i mean they couldnt even pronounce the name rite even though they said it on the show like a million times. thier bendin happened after the taik won do and the enemies could have attacked wile they were doin this but no they just stared in awe wile a guy to 5 minutes to to splash water in someone elses face
The hole Cartoon Network channel Chief - Sigh ...

They used too have great shows back in the good old times like 2001, not dumb shows like Billy and Mandy.....

What ever happened to Charlie Brown?
charlie brown is still on the tapes and they used to show it to the kids at my school to teach them about things like pilgrimage
(Aug. 17, 2011  10:06 PM)DRI-GER Wrote: The hole Cartoon Network channel Chief - Sigh ...

They used too have great shows back in the good old times like 2001, not dumb shows like Billy and Mandy.....

What ever happened to Charlie Brown?

Billy and mandy haven't been on forever, it was ok when it was on :\
I friggin wanna kill bakugan now. It's not even a game anymore. Or atleast, a game in which they actully follow actual rules. The first season was classic for me. They, for the most part, actully had a full bakugan team of 3. The gate cards had variety, the villain actually plays the game. Characters weren't annoying and had more of a team feeling. Everything was related to the game. Sure they had more than one ability card but atleast it was 3. Not the hundreds one player has in the other seasons. First season actually played the game. Season 2, got messed up already. Gate cards basically had no effect then to give a small boost. Freaking aliens were the antagonists. Then the end wasn't a game anymore. It was just giant monsters blasting at eachother with the brawler spamming ability cards every 30 seconds. Gundalian invaders was even more depressing. I might be wrong but i think gate cards were almost forgotten by that time. Interspace was a huge mistake. The villains sucked. Didn't have that sinister feeling. And all the bakugan were just stupid. Mechtanium surge, utterly ridiculously bad. Pretty sure gate cards are gone. Battlefields that were used in the beginning were terrible. Ability after ability. The concept of mechtogan were okay but the whole thing is just a continuation of the past season. Plus the fact that 3 of the six brawlers became minor characters. Plus their bakugan were became useless. One of them was the main antagonist for the first half of the first season. It was like one of the most cool and strongest bakugan out there. Then they made him weaker. And once again, ability spam, irritates me. One last thing. Drago is hardly a dragon anymore. I HATE him now. He gains a new evolution like every 20 episodes. Look at him now and compare him to the first dragonoid. Besides for the colour and face, you would think he was a completely seperate character. It's like whenever he's too much of a weakling to take care of something, he just evolves. That's the excuse of how he wins. Evolving use to be a special thing, and the process was cool too. Look at drago's evolution from dragonoid to delta dragonoid. I understand they can't use that kind of epicness for every single evolution but now it's just him glowing. It's basically pokemon's way of evolution. I thought evolution was rare and you cuold have too much power. But apparently that's not the case for drago. Just compare the laatest season with the first. Thanks for listening to my rant if it is one. I hope this isn't spam. But like the title says, i hate it with all my being. It's like ben 10 with the new series. Completely different now. Bad animation, boring transformation sequences, and horrible villains. The transformations use to be more, uhh, biologiccal, not stupid skeletons, and it had more of an alien, sci-fi feel sound to it. Man, i swear, bakugan and ben 10 are ruined. Thanks for reading my rant.
...I know what you're talking about. Didn't Drago start off with 200 Gs? What happened to 250G Robotallians being epic?
agreed @gurugula, bakugan has gone downhill.
I loved the original bakugan during the era of the original. What ever happened to Hydranoid Huh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was awesome. But then after the traps came out, i said, W..........T...........H. Triple facepalm. Not even two facepalms were enough.
Remember when in the anime, 400 gs were like super powerful? When it was considered impossible to get too? Remember when guardian bakugan had the high gs? Now every single bakugan has like 900 or more. The standard is just too high.
I don't know the bakugan these days, since I left it since the traps came in. But ya, back then when they saw 400gs, they were like HOLY CARP, WE'RE ALL DEAD.
Hah, it was like that in real life, too. I see a 550 G Stinglash, and I'm like: "Erm... Duck and Win. Now." Ah, the days when 350 was pretty strong, and 450 was epic. The days of "Command Cards" and -G Gate Cards. The days when everyone wanted a Terrorclaw because they looked cool, and Robotallian wasn't useless.
in the show all they pretty much seem to do is throw out a bakugan and then say "gate card" activate. i still have a drago thats 250 gs. i remember the good old days. wen they first came out they were so populer i couldnt find them at any store
I also think the concept of mechanical bakugan and them being modified by people were horrible. It just made the show even more unnatural. It just ruins the feeling of the bakugan being actual creatures. And I loved it when they said field open. Then time slowed and the circle of the six attributes appeared. That was what i loved. That was what I loved about the natural "Vestroia" feeling. The gauntlets were simple and interspace just made it into animal cruelty. Basically like gladiators. 2 bakugan fighting to the death in a huge stadium.
I stopped at like the sixth episode of Gundalian Invaders.

I just could NOT take anymore. I loved the first series. Second series was a drag, meh.

I miss the old Bakugan...
I stopped after the released Dan's trap. I could not STAND another minute. And then i tried to watch gundalian invaders, it was even worse. Bakugan is dead to me.
I stopped after the first 15 minutes of episode 1 where I had seen off model animation, heavily repeated animation sequences, and terrible scripting.
My cousin makes me watch So R@n:dom! everyday on Disney Channel. The show is annoying and the actor's don't deserve their acting careers. I'm only watching the new one this Sunday for Far East Movement performing "Rocketeer"...
Otherwise, most of the guest stars they have are some names I never heard of. They need better guest stars.
I can't believe what they did to Garfield! The Garfield Show? Really? It wasn't the most annoying show but it's the fact they took Garfield and turned him into another Cartoon Network carp show. Disney channel did the same with Winnie-the-Pooh! My Friends Tigger & Pooh? That ruined my childhood. Don't re-do the classics.
NARUTO,its like one of the greatest anime and manga of all time!Added 2 shows to my hate list,Almost Naked Animals-when ever I see the show I change the channel,its just plain old stupid,and plus the name is awful.Sidekick-just dosen't make sense.Cartoon Network is making the worst shows.
SpongeBob these days, what happened to the good ol' episodes where he had the suds and and couldn't lift marshmallows. Who could forget about RIPPED PANTS! That episode was awesome. Nowadays, his voice is so messed up and the jokes are amateur.
Yugioh 5Ds. Why in the hell are they riding motorcycles and dueling at the same time? Carpy carp.