[Selling]  Selling used plastics Manta Diver

Hi, I am selling two lightly used plastic Hasbro Beyblades: Manta Diver and Seaborg. Both are in good to great condition (see pictures). https://imgur.com/a/FTWMRfb


Manta Diver attack ring is superb for attack style. Looking for 140$

Seaborg is SOLD

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out! Thanks for looking! Forgive me if I am struggling to post images correctly

[Image: zsQzH7u]

[Image: R0QWpTP]

<a href="https://ibb.co/R0QWpTP"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/zRPwhVb/IMG-1773.jpg" alt="IMG-1773" border="0"></a>
Might want manta