vaune I'll clarify to every one of your statements, even though I think you may not believe it.
My attitude does intend to get off at times base upon my mood, and your getting all on me for not
sending exact & precisely on that date in which I claim to have sent the package to you. Are you really that upset with a shorten delay for me sending the package to you, from what I previously claimed? You really are a high expectation buyer for me to ship it precisely to what I've claimed, I mean you even wanted to know the receipt to be sure. If I would've sent it on a Monday or longer instead of the previous Friday to what I've claimed, then you would have a good reason to complain about it, but getting all high expectations on this is asking too much. As for the shipping quotes from what I've claimed, I was trying to measure the weight of the package with different packaging styles or in this case the shipping price was differ with each different way of packaging, either a box, normal packaging, or a parcel; in which I've decided on the parcel shipping because it was the cheapest price that I got to. As for my claim of going to the post office to measure the weight, I didn't go to the post office. Instead I use my own measurement scale I've bought along with the USPS site to measure the weight of the package along with the differ way of shipment and the cost. I was even kind enough to let you only send payment of $8.00 (USD), for the shipping to you instead of the full price of $18.20. I've paid for the rest of the $10.20 shipping cost. I want to know something, how did you even manage to somehow know the plastic generations weight, where did you get your information on the weight of plastic beyblades to result in your estimation for the shipping cost? As for the Zeus G, I just wanted a used condition one for battle, that's my only explanation, and I didn't thought of the equal trade at the time. Also the only things that make Gigars G & Zeus G different are the Spin Gears or Customize Gears, in which Takara brand had; while Hasbro gave Gigars G & Zeus G normal right spin engine gears with CEWs.
Now for your statement on me actually forging the eBay listing for the lot with the seller. Here's my only clarification on your statement on that problem with my replies to the seller's messages on eBay message. If your still bothered by this issue, then you may contact the eBay seller herself ( to make your complaints to her as well, and not just me:
My attitude does intend to get off at times base upon my mood, and your getting all on me for not
sending exact & precisely on that date in which I claim to have sent the package to you. Are you really that upset with a shorten delay for me sending the package to you, from what I previously claimed? You really are a high expectation buyer for me to ship it precisely to what I've claimed, I mean you even wanted to know the receipt to be sure. If I would've sent it on a Monday or longer instead of the previous Friday to what I've claimed, then you would have a good reason to complain about it, but getting all high expectations on this is asking too much. As for the shipping quotes from what I've claimed, I was trying to measure the weight of the package with different packaging styles or in this case the shipping price was differ with each different way of packaging, either a box, normal packaging, or a parcel; in which I've decided on the parcel shipping because it was the cheapest price that I got to. As for my claim of going to the post office to measure the weight, I didn't go to the post office. Instead I use my own measurement scale I've bought along with the USPS site to measure the weight of the package along with the differ way of shipment and the cost. I was even kind enough to let you only send payment of $8.00 (USD), for the shipping to you instead of the full price of $18.20. I've paid for the rest of the $10.20 shipping cost. I want to know something, how did you even manage to somehow know the plastic generations weight, where did you get your information on the weight of plastic beyblades to result in your estimation for the shipping cost? As for the Zeus G, I just wanted a used condition one for battle, that's my only explanation, and I didn't thought of the equal trade at the time. Also the only things that make Gigars G & Zeus G different are the Spin Gears or Customize Gears, in which Takara brand had; while Hasbro gave Gigars G & Zeus G normal right spin engine gears with CEWs.
Now for your statement on me actually forging the eBay listing for the lot with the seller. Here's my only clarification on your statement on that problem with my replies to the seller's messages on eBay message. If your still bothered by this issue, then you may contact the eBay seller herself ( to make your complaints to her as well, and not just me:
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