Shipping Charges Will Apply, But If Your In Toronto I We Could Meet Up
Cyber Pegasus 100HF
(Gold) L Drago + Red Metal Face
Pegasus 105RF (Blue Metal And Red Energy Ring)
Rock Leone /W A Tattooed Capricorne Head
They All Must Go So Yeah, I Don't Really Want Them Anymore :o Uh Yeah Thats About It. PM Me Your Offers And Remember SHIPPING CHARGES WILL APPLY
Cyber Pegasus 100HF
(Gold) L Drago + Red Metal Face
Pegasus 105RF (Blue Metal And Red Energy Ring)
Rock Leone /W A Tattooed Capricorne Head
They All Must Go So Yeah, I Don't Really Want Them Anymore :o Uh Yeah Thats About It. PM Me Your Offers And Remember SHIPPING CHARGES WILL APPLY