Okay, well I don't exactly know if I am the only person to come up with this idea, but here goes. Okay, most people reading this PROBOBALY don't live in any of the asian country's where "Bey Ta Go" Machnies exist, therefore realisticaly have no REAL need for a beypoint card on their 3 segmant launcher(Except for enhancing the look of the launcher), and not to mention they are realtively hard to come by in non-asian countrys(I think the only bey's that DO come with it are Galaxy Pegasis Starter and Striker, I may be wrong though). But I have come with a new idea to kae the segmant launchers (A) More personal looking and (B) Make the card holder a lot mroe useful for most people.
I will have the "Pixel Dimmensions" Up soon so you can print you own, And also if you would like your own, but don't feel like making your own, let me know (Also please give a bit of description of WHAT you want, and it'll be done in 1-7 days) in a post below (Please be specific as to if you want text and what you want it to look like, the more detail you give as to HOW you want it to look means it will look more like you want)
Spoiler (Click to View)