(Apr. 18, 2012  4:10 PM)apple1075 Wrote: I realise that, the only thing stopping me from buying a bb10 is the phenomenal shipping cost, who actually has a bb10

The cheapest will be the bb32 set around 25quid or bit more.

I had seen that set, i could actually get it for my bday in may
(Apr. 18, 2012  4:18 PM)apple1075 Wrote: I had seen that set, i could actually get it for my bday in may

Can you and you mate go to Leeds on 2nd or 3rd of June?
We need to have a list that ppl can confirm to go to Leeds rather a list that ppl said he is interested to go.
Otherwise we will never have a official tourney.
My Schedule is pretty much empty from the middle of may to the 20th of June and I live in Leeds so I think I can safely say I'll be able to make it.

EDIT: the set seems like a good deal but Ultra's link doesn't appeal to me. I want to be able to get all artsy with my
BB-10 and an opaque stadium doesn't allow for that.
But if you get all artsy won't that make the stadium illegal, sadly me and my team can never really confirm, it will all be last minute for us, anything could happen on the day, if you can get 8 confirmed then if things go well me and my team could turn up on the day if that is ok
Only if it's ontop.
I checked very thoroughly some time ago and the official ruling is that I could fill the underside with concrete for all they care. As such, I hardly think anyone'll complain about a little paint showing up through the clear plastic.
Oh has anyone thought of a venue
Nope, I'm terrible at such things.
Poseidon asked me before.
The question was aimed at Minglok because he would probably be the host, if it's outdoor we have to take the weather into account
(Apr. 19, 2012  5:25 PM)apple1075 Wrote: The question was aimed at Minglok because he would probably be the host, if it's outdoor we have to take the weather into account

I m not sure I can host it cos I have never attend any wbo tourney and I have no idea where in Leeds is good to host.
But if you ask me any good place to host in Sheffield, I reckon the play area outside meadowhall would be a good place to host.
WHY DID I HAVE TO FIND OUT ABOUT U GUYS NOW!,my dad used to live in sheffield and i was always looking for a challenge there but now he lives in Gibbralta
i do wakefield