SGS clan Shogun Steel PS3

Hello everybody!!!
this is a topic for joining the SGS also know as Shogun Steel.
Info: You could either put the clan tag SGS or make the account (RECOMMENDED) such as SGS_SamuraiPegasus or somthin like that.
Games:CoD Mw2, CoD MW3, and CoD BO1
WHAT WE DO: Anything from fun private matches to clan battles.
If you want to join:Tryouts will most likely be hosted on saturdays Please feel free to comment your psn names
My PSN SGS_Samura1Ifrit
I don't even know what this is, but you can only have one thread for it.
(Aug. 22, 2013  3:31 AM)Ultramarine Wrote: I don't even know what this is, but you can only have one thread for it.
I believe this is a thread advertising his clan on the playstation network. Ultramarine is right, you have 2 threads on this please close one.