A good turnout, we had 23 bladers which is a new record for the Virginia community. It seems that the more tournaments we have, the more people that show up. The special events help as well of course. Well after we arrived, I was able to start collecting fees and registering people when my computer crashed. Dark Mousy was there to help with signing people up as I got my system back in line and we were off. 3 stadiums were in play and I can say that it went pretty well. It would be smoother if I was able to have 3 people just judge and not blade while I entered results and announced matches but all went well just the same. Take note Aru, Lets work on Geetster99's mom to help judge. I brought it up to her and she was receptive after the fact. She said that you spoke with her as well. Funny how we thought of the same thing.
The finals were awesome how the new system worked out.
The last two standig were Bazooka and Geetster and with the best 3/5 point setup, it came down to the last launch to determine the winner. Geetster prevailed, thankfully as I don't have the funds to get to Toronto and everyone came out a winner.
Goodjob with this event committee. I would like to make a suggestion for this should it come up again in the future. I know i'll get some pushback on this from some bladers but it should be considered.
My suggestion would be that on special events like this one, Each blader should be able to enter only One Event. Case in point is that as I live in Richmond, I have access to either the MAryland, Richmond, or N.C. communities. This gives me an unfair advantage over other bladers to win a free trip of this magnatude. With that in play, I would more then likely stay local and that would help the odds of each region be represented by a resident of that community. Not always the case but would help it. This gives each community someone they can root for as well. Regional pride will kick in and it may help every area.
As it stands, being the father of Bazooka, we could theorhetically win Richmond, head over to N.C. and win that event, go to Maryland and win there and the Richmond Community could represent 3 different areas. Defaulting the Richmond prise to the second place winner.
Its just a thought but I think each Area having a representitive at Anima North would be real cool. 6 or so bladers from 6 or so areas all showing up.
Anyhow, Thats my thoughts. I'd love to hear what anyone thinks.
The finals were awesome how the new system worked out.
The last two standig were Bazooka and Geetster and with the best 3/5 point setup, it came down to the last launch to determine the winner. Geetster prevailed, thankfully as I don't have the funds to get to Toronto and everyone came out a winner.
Goodjob with this event committee. I would like to make a suggestion for this should it come up again in the future. I know i'll get some pushback on this from some bladers but it should be considered.
My suggestion would be that on special events like this one, Each blader should be able to enter only One Event. Case in point is that as I live in Richmond, I have access to either the MAryland, Richmond, or N.C. communities. This gives me an unfair advantage over other bladers to win a free trip of this magnatude. With that in play, I would more then likely stay local and that would help the odds of each region be represented by a resident of that community. Not always the case but would help it. This gives each community someone they can root for as well. Regional pride will kick in and it may help every area.
As it stands, being the father of Bazooka, we could theorhetically win Richmond, head over to N.C. and win that event, go to Maryland and win there and the Richmond Community could represent 3 different areas. Defaulting the Richmond prise to the second place winner.
Its just a thought but I think each Area having a representitive at Anima North would be real cool. 6 or so bladers from 6 or so areas all showing up.
Anyhow, Thats my thoughts. I'd love to hear what anyone thinks.