Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

I just played Lineage2 really good game...Check it out on youtube
Football Manager 2007,
Started playing this game since the launch, and still going.
It's just too adictive..
Gears of War 2

Playing through the solo Campaign mode on Normal (to unlock Insane and do it later on co-op). Almost done with Act 4, just need to finish the Hydra boss battle part. Even though this is my 2nd playthrough (my 1st was co-op on my friends 360), I'm still loving it.
Playing Horde as well. Only got to wave 18 so far.

Fallout 2

Got it from a friend. Haven't got very far, just exploring around Klamath and Trapper Town. It feels a lot harder than Fallout 3 did at the start. Not only are you a weak carp, your accuracy is abysmal, even when you're standing right in front of your enemies. The Pipe Rifle sucks carp...only 1 bullet in the chamber and using the inventory to reload it, costs half my AP, so I get like, 1 shot per turn, assuming I don't miss. At least stealing seems to work successfully most of the time for me, unlike pickpocketing. I have a bunch of carp to sell right now.

Halo 3

Some friends came over, so we did some matchmaking and messed around in Forge. I tried the Elephant Cannon glitch on Sandtrap and we had some fun splattering each other.

Fallout 3

Last time I played, I was making my way out of Raven Rock. Got Eden to blow himself up lol Haven't played in a few days though, I'm trying to wait for the next 2 DLC. Still got a save from before I met up with Fawkes, which I'll probably start from then.
Pokemon Pearl I have started to return to Wifi Battles.
Chrono Trigger DS
After playing it for an hour every so often I decided to sit down with it and play for a few. I think the problem was I was playing it in these short doses and basically forgetting what the hell was going on, making the experience not that enjoyable.

It was a lot funner then I remember and its starting to show its charm Smile

And I'm trying to beat Dead Rising at the moment, I dont want to spoil anything (does anyone even care?) but i'm in the last 12 hours of the game.
Madden 09 all play for wii, Starcraft Brood war, Super Smash bros. BraWl, Thrillville off the rails for wii...

Yeah... I guess that's it. Starcraft is the best.
Street Fighter IV. Been playing it for hours now.. and it looks awesome. Although in a house with four 21 or younger friends living together a fighting game could have stick people and still go over well...

carp is sicccckkkkkk

Can't wait till I get half decent at it.
(Feb. 20, 2009  12:54 AM)Beowulf Wrote: Street Fighter IV. Been playing it for hours now.. and it looks awesome. Although in a house with four 21 or younger friends living together a fighting game could have stick people and still go over well...

(Feb. 20, 2009  6:59 AM)SexyMichael Wrote: SF4

carp is sicccckkkkkk

Can't wait till I get half decent at it.

you guys just using regular controllers? after killzone2 I think I'm gonna cave, I played some 3rd strike with friends yesterday and it was fun!
Yeah, I am.. I might look into the arcade sticks soon though.
Gears of War 2
(Feb. 20, 2009  11:29 PM)Blue Wrote: you guys just using regular controllers? after killzone2 I think I'm gonna cave, I played some 3rd strike with friends yesterday and it was fun!

Yeah, I don't really mind the controller that much.
I just spent an hour or so with GTA IV's The Lost and Damned.

Its ok I guess. The acting and dialog is excellent, as usual, but the game play is pretty boring so far.
GRAW 2 Multiplayer Demo with my cousin

actually pretty good. we were getting bored of halo 3 in general (which was hard for us as we have plenty of gametypes and maps to use- just that the overall experience got stale), so we tried this.

we both agree that it is much more tactical than halo 3 and it really does require teamwork.

i like using the sniper rifles and the grenade launchers B)
Sounds good. I've never played that but I can say on most fps, I love the snipers and grenades. <3 I like queen of them in my house. XD
i may add that we have tried the demo's campaign mission an almost uncountable amount of times and still did not beat it

there's always some prissy little carp hiding in the shadows until i'm reloading and then they light me up Unhappy
Tom Clancys HAWX Demo

I know i only love FPS' and GTA games - but HAWX is SICK!
Ive completed GTA: TLAD - I just sit here playing games and typing away!
Still playing Dead Rising

Just finished the 72 hours.
Thought it would be the end of the
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride.

This game is pretty rad.
(And Count Uptaten's castle kicked my carp so hard)
Started playing the Jak and Daxter that I got from my Uncle cuz no video game stores would take it xD. I like it so far, though, specially since that and Gran Turismo 3 (which I can't stand to play) are the only games I can play on my PS3 right now.
I made some more progress on Lost and Damned yesterday. The gang dynamics are interesting and some of the dialog is hilarious but the mission structure and game play still feels like the same old "go here, pick this up, bring it back" garbage that's been in every GTA game. Oh well, I'm still really enjoying it.

I also played through the first 5 levels of Flower last night. For all my doubts I have to say that I am in love with this game. Its absolutely gorgeous and the first time I went full speed through an open field in the first level I literally said out loud "Wow this is carp breath taking". Seriously everyone should buy this game, its amazing. I had a sneaking suspicion it could turn out to be one of those looked-over games that I go crazy for because its so artistic (very much like Rez -- one of my favorite games of all time), and I was right.
(Feb. 22, 2009  6:34 PM)Roan Wrote: I also played through the first 5 levels of Flower last night. For all my doubts I have to say that I am in love with this game. Its absolutely gorgeous and the first time I went full speed through an open field in the first level I literally said out loud "Wow this is carp breath taking". Seriously everyone should buy this game, its amazing. I had a sneaking suspicion it could turn out to be one of those looked-over games that I go crazy for because its so artistic (very much like Rez -- one of my favorite games of all time), and I was right.

Yeah, the first level is so beautiful, I've replayed it like 4 times. The game really does play with your emotions too, especially at the end of level four :[.
Every person I have showed it too has been impressed, but especially my mom and one of my best friends.

yo lol your impression pretty much parallels mine
(Feb. 14, 2009  2:38 AM)Blue said in Gaming Random Thoughts Wrote: Guys, if you have psn, buy Flower. its pretty rad and hard to describe how so. some impressive visuals, but the flying is really good, espcially if you sorta get [in tha] "zone". i hope it sells well.

(Feb. 14, 2009  4:32 AM)Blue said in Gaming Random Thoughts Wrote: It is awsome to skim along the grass toward the sun.
- Puzzle Quest DS

- Sonic Unleashed

Finally got around to really starting this. The daytime levels are a blast to play (I replayed the Mazuri level at least 15 times today), and to be honest, I don't mind the Werehog levels despite the fact that they shouldn't be part of a Sonic game.
Just finished up The Lost and Damned.

The last half of the expansion is pretty epic with some crazy cop chases and over the top action. This was definitely worth the $20 and its certainly raised the bar for what downloadable content can and should be.
Fire Emblem DS
Pretty fun, the 3D'ish battle sprites are really weird looking though.

Dragon Quest V - Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Oh god, I'm really addicted to this.
I just finished the Circle of Fire bit, and now I'm going after the Circle of Water.
Going to marry Bianca! Nera and Deborah I can do without.