Recent Games Played [Commentary is mandatory]

Sam Wrote:call of duty 4: modern warfare

me and artie played a couple games and hardcore is now super awesome.

Yuck, I hate hardcore. It does nothing but piss me off.
Sam Wrote:call of duty 4: modern warfare

me and artie played a couple games and hardcore is now super awesome.

we played like 4 days ago

are you name slowpoke
Mega Man X5

Frig, that whale level is hard
Artie Wrote:
Sam Wrote:call of duty 4: modern warfare

me and artie played a couple games and hardcore is now super awesome.

we played like 4 days ago

are you name slowpoke
4 days ago is still recent
Roan Wrote:
Sam Wrote:call of duty 4: modern warfare

me and artie played a couple games and hardcore is now super awesome.

Yuck, I hate hardcore. It does nothing but piss me off.
i like how i can use more of the cool perks and weapons and not get my carp kicked
Just bought custom robo again...., I traded in my PS2/3 games because my @#$% PS3 broke. I've also played windwaker for like the 50th time. It's just so awesome.
BTW, I'm about to buy ToS again to finally beat it, never finished it the first time.
in terms of customizing a robot, Armored Core series > Custom Robo

but in terms of picking up and playing, Custom Robo > Armored Core series
Bleach: Shattered Blade (wii)
Mario Kart Wii (Because I had to prove to my mother that I pwn her at it)
Super Smash Brawl
Mario Party 8
Nights, Journey into Dreams

All in one day! No wonder my wrist is buggered!


- Wii Play

They NEED to make a WiiWare version of that Tank game with Wi-Fi.

- Combat Arms

For a free online FPS, its pretty darn good.
I dabbled in the Too Human demo today. Don't want to talk too much about it right now (I'll save it for the GRT podcast), but suffice it to say that the game isn't bad, its just not my type of game.

I also started playing Condemned 2: Bloodshot after neglecting it for MONTHS. I'm really getting back into it. Game scares the carp out of me sometimes.
I've been slowly picking away at a few games the past few weeks. Haven't really made much progress in any of them, but I've been playing them nonetheless.

- Condemned 2
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Space Invaders Extreme
- LocoRoco
- Golden Sun (Playing it again for seriously like the umpteenth time. Love this game so much.)
I'm a thrifty (read: cheap) guy, so I tend to exclusively play games that are free to play:
  • Nexuiz - one of many Linux FPSes based on some version of a Quake engine (in this case, a highly modified Quake I engine). Fun and fast-paced, with some unique takes on classic weapons.
  • Continuum - super-fun multiplayer spaceships game. It's like Asteroids, except instead of shooting asteroids, you shoot other player-controlled ships.
  • Most anything by Kenta Cho - This guy makes some seriously fun shmups.
- WeeWar
I am so addicted.

- Sonic Rush Adventure
Still fun to play. Still need one more of the emeralds... (I have to beat the "last" boss again D:). The Sonic Rush series is such a great extension of the concepts presented in the first three games.
Pokemon Pearl. I've got obsessed with it again and shall play it continuously for the next couple of weeks until I get bored to death of it and end up not even touching it again for another 8 months.

I'm like that with everything, really. D:
Jump Ultimate SuperStars
Bleach Heat The Soul 4

If only I knew what was going on Unhappy.
Stuck playing Persona 3 since my friend high jacked my FES.

I Really wanna import Persona 4 but I wanna know what I'm reading.
It comes out in December in North America. No need to piss yourself off with Nihongo language when the game is close.
Yeah lol. I've been spoiling myself with Youtube and so far I love the improvements!

Now I'm trying to collect all the SMT games. Now that's a mission.

All I have so far is

-SMT Devil Children(DemiKids): Light Version
-SMT Persona 3
-SMT Persona 3: FES
-SMT Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs The Soulless Army

I seen Nocturne but it's like 50 bucks used!
Currently Paper Mario Thousand Year Door cuz its an awesome game and I've gotten pretty far in the last few days. Twilight Princess because its a badass Zelda game and I've been waiting to try it myself.
I've been playing a pretty diverse selection of stuff lately.

- Space Invaders Extreme: I played quite a bit of this today while I was in the car for like 4 hours. Its really difficult, but I couldn't quit playing it. Super fun.

- Final Fantasy VI: I tried this out last night and honestly didn't really care for it. I got to the first Snail looking boss at the beginning of the game and got my carp kicked. Realized maybe this game is too hXc for me. lol

- LocoRoco: Its a fun little diversion when I'm looking to play something that doesn't require deep thought or concentration. Not very far in this either.

- Pokemon Leaf Green Version: Had a craving to play through the original Pokemon again, and this is the next best thing. Just started a new game.

- Finally, Rock Band. As always. This is probably the game I play the most out of all the ones that I own. <3 it.
Jump Ultimate - I'm still lost in this game...

Alone In The Dark (2008) PC- Shut up, I like it.

MLB Power Pros- I felt bored.

DragonBall Z: Hakunaru Densetsu- It's because of DB DS hype on me, but god dang Atari, why did you name this game so weird? They changed the name from the Japanese, so why not change it to something I can spell?