Random Thoughts

sam Wrote:i was cleaning and getting yelled at during the lunar eclipse yay

failed math big suprise

and whats worse is that i failed social studys by like 2 percent

surprised you aren't failing english
Artie Wrote:
sam Wrote:i was cleaning and getting yelled at during the lunar eclipse yay

failed math big suprise

and whats worse is that i failed social studys by like 2 percent

surprised you aren't failing english


That was a low blow but it was awesome.

english isn't really going that bad srs
Ugggh, I hate being so busy. Unhappy
Solar or nothing.

Last one was when I was in 5th or 6th grade, so...12-13 years ago?
sam Wrote:i was cleaning and getting yelled at during the lunar eclipse yay

failed math big suprise

and whats worse is that i failed social studys by like 2 percent

Dude, seriously. Turn off the video games for a bit. You're a high school freshman, aren't you? You shouldn't be having this much trouble with learning geometry. Social Studies is just memorization--study.
Mr. Toto Wrote:
sam Wrote:i was cleaning and getting yelled at during the lunar eclipse yay

failed math big suprise

and whats worse is that i failed social studys by like 2 percent

Dude, seriously. Turn off the video games for a bit. You're a high school freshman, aren't you? You shouldn't be having this much trouble with learning geometry. Social Studies is just memorization--study.
I actually should have passed SS, some things are missing on the report card I REMEMBER THE TEACHER TELLING ME HE RECIEVED IT UGH. So, yeah, might get a pass after all.

Math is dumb, I seriously just CANNOT concentrate on or remember ANYTHING about math. Its just sooo. Boring. Like. Really. Really. Really. Boring. Really.

I haven't been playing much games lately lol, all I find the time to play is like, a few hours to play the digitalph33r community game nights every saturday and maybe half hour a day TRYING TO EAT THAT DAMN KEY AND CROWN UFHFHEF+AHE(FHQE)(*&FH_EG&T_&. That Pac Man Championship edition is some serious business.

my old ss textbook said serious business. lol.
sam Wrote:I actually should have passed SS, some things are missing on the report card I REMEMBER THE TEACHER TELLING ME HE RECIEVED IT UGH. So, yeah, might get a pass after all.

Math is dumb, I seriously just CANNOT concentrate on or remember ANYTHING about math. Its just sooo. Boring. Like. Really. Really. Really. Boring. Really.

I haven't been playing much games lately lol, all I find the time to play is like, a few hours to play the digitalph33r community game nights every saturday and maybe half hour a day TRYING TO EAT THAT DAMN KEY AND CROWN UFHFHEF+AHE(FHQE)(*&FH_EG&T_&. That Pac Man Championship edition is some serious business.

my old ss textbook said serious business. lol.
But barely scraping by isn't something to be proud of. Unfortunately, this may have to do with teaching styles. Simply put, some teachers are just better than others. Others really are terrible at their job. That may be why you're having a problem in Math, and you should perhaps consider a tutor.

The thing about math is that you learn by doing the problems. That's why homework is given--to ensure that kids at least have lots more practice with the problems prior to the tests. Many teachers pull similar question types from the textbook, and it shouldn't be too much work. Just about an hour or two of work every day, and it's worth it.

Whatever you want to do in the future, no matter what, you're going to need math skills. Not necessarily calculus (unless you're going into programming), but algebra and geometry are pretty important in figuring out tons of daily stuff.
Quote:You shouldn't be having this much trouble with learning geometry. Social Studies is just memorization--study.

I hate English and Social Studies. There isn't one definite answer for anything, and everything (involving grades) is subjective. And memorization = boring Unhappy

Elmo Wrote:I hate English and Social Studies. There isn't one definite answer for anything, and everything (involving grades) is subjective. And memorization = boring Unhappy
Social Studies is pretty definite, isn't it? Back when I was school, it was basically a pointless test if you could memorize carp from the textbooks and write it down the next day.

School systems are flawed--you don't learn anymore, but memorize. I feel it's different with math, since you're using a method that should always work.

I loved English, though it depends on what your teacher thinks good writing is.
i had a really, really awful day today and instead of forming a thought out blog post that attempts to make some sort of sense im going to ignore all sense of punctuation and grammar and just carp VENT

ok so i had a lot of things go wrong today and im much too frustrated to go into detail about it right now because itll probably just piss me off that much more

basically my mom is a carp carp sometimes and i really want her to just stay away from me i hate that i cant get myself from place to place without her and i resent the fact that she pushed me into getting a drivers license that i didnt even want in the first place because to be entirely honest im pretty much a carp pansy and driving honestly scares the piss out of me. just to say congrats when i got it and basically throw it in a box and forget about it because its no use when i cant even drive her car or drive my own thats been sitting there rotting since i bought it back in like june of last year because she wants me to wait until we move to get insurance and carp on my car and she doesnt trust me to drive it because its a stick shift and im still new to driving and ive only practiced driving stick once in my entire life yet every time i ask someone to take me out to practice i get turned down wtf

i really dont hate my job or anything sure it isnt the best in the world but hey at least im getting paid some amount every friday and even though im basically wasting everything that i earn at least it gets me out of the house for a few hours every day or so

but what i really want to say is that my dad is one of the biggest carp assholes i have ever met in my entire life yeah dad im gay and im your son and you dont like it and honestly i try so hard not to give a carp and to act like it doesnt hurt that youve shunned me my entire life but even more so when you found out that i was gay but ill be carp honest it hurts more than anything ive ever felt in my life before

im your carp kid for christs sakes youre supposed to love me no matter what and i dont think you understand how much it carp with my head to have you treat me the way that you do

i carp realize that im not perfect and that ive made a lot of stupid decisions in the short time ive been alive but jesus carp christ cant you see that im trying to make something of myself

but no you obviously cant because your too busy paying attention to everything thats wrong with me rather than whats right

or you just think im a big carp piece of carp in general

i wouldnt be surprised at all if this was the case

and if you dont think that then damn have you ever fooled me

i wont lie most days i really just want to get up and kick you square in the nuts because your such an carp to me for reasons i cant figure out. why is it that everytime something goes wrong the blame somehow comes back to me or something that i did?

why is it that everyone else is always in the wrong and you never are?

but most importantly

why are you such a close minded, red neck, racist carp biggot

i really just dont get it

maybe it was your crazy carp mother (admit it -- shes getting carp loopy in her old age) and the way that she raised you as a christian private school snob

maybe that carried over into your adult life

you know scratch that im 95% positive that it did

i resent you so much some times

there have been days where ive wished that i werent alive because of you

there have been days where ive thought of soem awful things happening to you (dying in a car crash, getting jumped and killed by a mugger) and felt absolutely NO remorse for having thought it

this is how you make me feel about you

and if you think that our house isnt one of the biggest carp double standards around youre kidding yourself

we cant step one toe out of line because heaven forbid we make you look bad in front of people

heaven forbid people know that you have a gay son

heaven forbid people know that you treat a carp piece of dog carp better than you do me

im grateful that you let me live here dont get me wrong id be completely carp without the roof you pay to keep over my head but seriously i cant keep up going like this

i know you probably have some stupid carp reason for being so hard on me all my life and honestly id on't care to hear it

because you know what i think

i think that baby boy that mom aborted before she had me

that was your son

and when i came along

i didnt measure up to the boy you had pictured having

the perfect boy that would hunt and fish and watch nascar with you

the perfect boy that didnt like shopping and dying his hair

the perfect boy that liked girls

but here i am

all carp up and ready to die because i have nothing left to live for anymore

ill never marry

ill never have kids that are really mine

and chances are good ill probably never see the day that i make you happy in any way shape or form

so why am i still here

can you answer that

can anyone answer that
I don't know a whole lot about you Roan, but I am pretty sure you have at least one friend in your life. Even if it is just one friend or a bunch of friends, I am sure they are pretty damn good reasons to live for.
Sometimes it is rather liberating to just unleash all of this pent up emotion inside like you just did.

Hopefully after releasing all that, you feel a bit more relieved. In any case, we'll still be here to listen to any of your issues, while offering you loving support. You're right in the sense that a good father should love his son for who he is, not for who he loves.

And a strict, Christian-raised man allowing abortions? I call shenanigans on his part.
I'm your friend.
Me too. I think.
I think you should do what I do now. I can't deal with my family too often so I usually just kick it with my friends whenever just to get out of the house and avoid them.
sorry to hear about that roan, life sure can be a pile of carp some times.

and i know this isn't really the time for it but before i forget, i was on the phone with my two year old cousin and he kept talking about a dump truck but he says it like "dumb carp" and i lol'd.
Hey Roan, Im not going to say I can understand your situation, its condesending. But I can tell you was writing(typing) that down is on the right track.
Your also At least going to have it out with him, and it will hurt both of you. BUT trust me it will be necessary.
Therapy(i know-lulz) can help too.
I've actually been going to therapy for almost a year. It's a help, if nothing else to vent my frustrations on another human being. I can't really say I can relate to your situation, as I'm straight and basically everything my parents want, even when I'm not trying (They're those "I'll love you no matter what" types. I suppose I got lucky), but I can feel a bit for you. I hope things will get better for you at some point. You've done some carp to me every now and again, but I've still always had respect for you. That's one of the reasons I think someone like you can get through whatever life situation you've been going through because of that respect. I wish you the best of luck.
Oh god, I'm sure someone else here can relate to this; having the wind knocked out of you when you have basically no time to prepare is one of the most horrifying things I've ever experienced. Last night in the final playoff game before the championship (my hockey team is in the "B" final), on what was probably going to be my last shift of the game, the puck went near the corner and just as I got to the puck and sent it up the ice, their leading scorer rammed right into me and I flew like a metre into the boards behind me.

I couldn't breathe for at least 15 seconds, maybe more, it felt like it was so long. Eventually after regained my ability to breath I was down on the ice for a while and the trainers from each team helped me off the ice. I went to the hospital today and found out I have a bruised tailbone area. Thankfully there was no cracks, or anything. It's difficult for me to walk now and sitting down/getting up is probably even harder. The doctor said it will probably be a week or so before I'll be back to normal and that I might have suffered a slight concussion because of my dizziness this morning (for about two minutes). Oh well, I only have to miss the championship game. Unhappy

I won't mention all the details, but when I got hit my Dad (who is the coach) started arguing with the other coach, telling him that he shouldn't let his players do something like that. Want to know what the other coach did? He came up to the glass and started making crying noises with his hands on his cheeks. My Dad then gets two penalties and gets thrown out. Is that not the most unbelievable thing you've ever heard? I was down on the ice, struggling to breathe and get up, and the coach does something as classless as that. Unbelievable.

/end rant (also, I probably won't be on too much for the next few days)

In other news, Wade Belak got traded... Nooooo!! ;-P
wow kei that other coach sounds like a huge carp carp, is he four or something?
...That kind of childish behavior shouldn't be present in a coach, much less any adult. Thankfully, I haven't met any asses like him.

Anyways, I've been having problems uploading images on imageshack. I don't know if it's my computer or the website...
This board's activity has seriously dropped off in the past month or so.
