Random Thoughts

So I think I'm gonna take up curling again when I move to Edmonton. Not competitive, of course, but recreational so I can get back into shape. Then maybe I can find a team in BC.

No, watching the Olympics have not made me want to re-pursue my dream of going to the Scotts/Worlds/Olympics, what are you talking about. >___>
Ugh skool starts Monday, only 3 more years..... =(
dude I got totally decked by a Kart while racing today. MAN it hit me in the face. and the arm. but pretty much walk away with just bruises haha and rash on my arm. still paramedics came n' carp.

Who's had a concussion?
Well anyway I had a liltle taste. For me the scariest thing was losing my vision, after getting out the kart, besides my arm feeling numb (funnybone I think). The colours started fading awayy... to the point where I could only see grey and a few white highlights. I was told I was pale white as my shirt.
In retrospect it was carp cool, cause never ever saw that.

still it not like a freaked out either, I was too dazed.
then haha I raced in the last race, started last of course but gained some 4-5 places.
Man that sounds scary, but I'm glad you somewhat enjoyed it lol
Glad you're okay though Smile
That's some crazy stuff, Blue. A kart hitting you in the face? Extreme.
Man were going pretty good at the Olympics were currently 4th at the moment and thats pretty freaking good considering we only have 20 Million people in our country.

We win one more Gold we take Germany's 3rd Place, and if they win a Gold we'll be still in the lead since we've also won a few Silver and Bronze medals.
Our men's eights rowing team DOMINATED the final race, holy carp. Ahead by a full boat's length by the 1000m mark, about half a boat at the finish. Sooooo awesome.

... why don't we have an Olympics topic?
(Aug. 17, 2008  12:07 PM)AnnieDuck Wrote: because there isn't olympic cricket

If there was we'd win it B)
(Aug. 17, 2008  4:25 PM)Artie Wrote: oh work you are the bane of my existence

at least you get money right
(Aug. 17, 2008  5:33 PM)bugturtles Wrote:
(Aug. 17, 2008  4:25 PM)Artie Wrote: oh work you are the bane of my existence

at least you get money right


ive been sitting here for about 3 hours and have done no work thus far

2 more hours to go
I just found out the guy who wrote Cyber Six died this week Unhappy
it is very very weird when the girl that used to have a big crush on you (and might still do) and told her mom about you has her mom talking to you on instant messenger

it's kind of like talking to sam's mom, only that sam's mom just says "yeah sam's not here right now", and THIS mom asks you lots of questions

it was kinda easy to lie about most of the carp said below and thank goodness i'm not talking in person to her or anything (yes i know alcoholics) (yes the kelly i was talking about was actually the one the mom was asking about)

and the last part is kinda creepy


8:24:~ kellay$ so what other kelly is going to a party?
8:24:~ LEVI$ i don't know their last name
8:24:~ LEVI$ never really asked for it lol
8:24:~ kellay$ oh okay. so where's this party at?
8:25:~ LEVI$ probably at like somebody's house
8:25:~ kellay$ oh okay.
8:25:~ kellay$ is there alcohol?
8:25:~ LEVI$ i don't know
8:25:~ LEVI$ i don't go
8:25:~ kellay$ should I 'call her mother?
8:25:~ LEVI$ hahaha no hopefully they are responsible
8:25:~ LEVI$ i don't really know any alcoholics
8:26:~ kellay$ Oh okay. So I should still call her mother?
8:26:~ LEVI$ haha nah
8:26:~ kellay$ or should i stop by
8:26:~ kellay$ cause i haven't heard from my kelly in a hour or so
8:26:~ LEVI$
8:26:~ kellay$ ?
8:27:~ LEVI$ i'm sure she's fine
8:27:~ LEVI$ she's with one of her true friends i think
8:27:~ LEVI$ so i wouldn't really worry
8:27:~ kellay$ oh ok
thanks good

have a good night baby
8:28:~ kellay$ and i call everybody baby

dont think im coming on to you
8:28:~ LEVI$ LOL okay
(Aug. 17, 2008  4:25 PM)Artie Wrote: oh work you are the bane of my existence

Oh you have no idea.
i'm so jealous of people whose moms aren't aging first wave feminists with whiskers who think nairing my arms regularly is denying my womanhood

mother i love you but go away you recommended it because you got so tired of seeing my elbows nicked to hell since i was twelve
(Aug. 18, 2008  1:36 AM)Artie Wrote: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh bt

yeah man tell me about it
Ugh carp I need to see a therapist or something.

VxR RoAn (9:05:04 PM): I can't WAIT to go back to college dude, you don't even know
VxR RoAn (9:05:43 PM): I'm hoping going back to school will keep me from feeling like a worthless piece of carp everyday like I do now
Insanecarpathian (9:05:56 PM): D;
Insanecarpathian (9:06:13 PM): how are you worthless?
Insanecarpathian (9:06:17 PM): at least you have a job
VxR RoAn (9:07:50 PM): Yeah that's getting me nowhere at all. I just get up everyday and do the same carp over and over again, never making any progress, just barely scraping by and I'm carp SICK of it. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and not going anywhere and squandering my life and its making me crazy
VxR RoAn (9:08:45 PM): Its hard as hell for me to feel happy or smile about anything anymore, all I ever see is the negative things and how something that seems nice is really just something hideous and disturbing dressed up and sugar coated just to LOOK nice
VxR RoAn (9:08:48 PM): Everything's fake
VxR RoAn (9:08:51 PM): Everything is a product
VxR RoAn (9:09:13 PM): Everyone is fake, everyone is a product of a product of a product
Insanecarpathian (9:09:38 PM): :[
Insanecarpathian (9:09:50 PM): feeling very depressed right now huh
VxR RoAn (9:09:59 PM): For the past few months, yeah

Just about sums it all up.

choke someone

or set something on fire that's always fun
Insanecarpathian (9:19:38 PM): i have been
Insanecarpathian (9:19:40 PM): too
Insanecarpathian (9:20:03 PM): but, i've been a little better the past week or so
Insanecarpathian (9:23:20 PM): what seemed nice but was really disgusting? :o
VxR RoAn (9:23:29 PM): People
VxR RoAn (9:23:39 PM): I have no faith in the human race
VxR RoAn (9:23:48 PM): No one is good hearted anymore, they only care about themselves
VxR RoAn (9:24:01 PM): And if they tell you otherwise, they're lying
VxR RoAn (9:24:07 PM): Because they're scared to admit they are selfish
Insanecarpathian (9:24:12 PM): D:
VxR RoAn (9:24:21 PM): I mean sure
VxR RoAn (9:24:28 PM): They probably care about other people
VxR RoAn (9:24:50 PM): But in general, people will ALWAYS put themselves before anyone else. Their own needs are much more important than anyone else's
VxR RoAn (9:25:32 PM): And it carp DISGUSTS me how carp lazy people are
VxR RoAn (9:25:34 PM): Every day at work
VxR RoAn (9:25:41 PM): I hear at LEAST half of all the people I wait on
VxR RoAn (9:25:43 PM): say
VxR RoAn (9:25:51 PM): "I don't feel like cooking tonight"
VxR RoAn (9:26:11 PM): So then they come in and buy something that would take LITERALLY 5 minutes to make
VxR RoAn (9:26:17 PM): Little to NO effort
VxR RoAn (9:26:36 PM): And it would be MUCH cheaper if they just made it themselves
VxR RoAn (9:26:38 PM): But NOOOOO
VxR RoAn (9:26:55 PM): Its so much easier and so much more convenient for people to sit on their carp asses and let someone else do everything for them
VxR RoAn (9:27:19 PM): Nobody wants to work for anything anymore, they all want it handed to them on a silver platter
VxR RoAn (9:27:23 PM): And its carp DISGUSTING
VxR RoAn (9:27:50 PM): And then people wonder why our population is ballooning up like carp hot air balloons
VxR RoAn (9:27:51 PM): Hmm
Insanecarpathian (9:27:59 PM): lmao
VxR RoAn (9:28:18 PM): Maybe its because of all this AWFUL, processed carp you're putting into your bodies? Ever think that might have something to do with it? And what's their answer for this? PUTTING OTHER AWFUL carp IN THEIR BODIES.
VxR RoAn (9:28:26 PM): Pills are not the answer for everything
VxR RoAn (9:28:27 PM): carp
Insanecarpathian (9:28:35 PM): that's for sure
VxR RoAn (9:29:03 PM): I have just been on edge for the past month or two, but its been ESPECIALLY bad in the past two weeks, just getting worse with each day
VxR RoAn (9:29:17 PM): I'm going to end up carp snapping on someone at work and get fired or something, I can already tell
Insanecarpathian (9:29:31 PM): dude don't
Insanecarpathian (9:29:40 PM): that will be baddddddddd
VxR RoAn (9:29:43 PM): I have NO carp PATIENCE to deal with carp obnoxious, ignorant, RUDE people
Insanecarpathian (9:30:02 PM): if you want money, you have to grin and bare it
VxR RoAn (9:30:04 PM): Who want to blab to their stupid carp friends on their phones and expect me to wait on them
VxR RoAn (9:30:28 PM): When all I really want to do is take the chicken they're about to stuff their carp face with and stab them to death with the bone
VxR RoAn (9:30:30 PM): UGGGHHHH
Insanecarpathian (9:30:50 PM): i can understand
VxR RoAn (9:30:56 PM): I used to be such a nice kid
Insanecarpathian (9:31:04 PM): but you need to deal with it if you want money
VxR RoAn (9:31:11 PM): But this is what dealing with the disgusting american public has done to me
VxR RoAn (9:31:22 PM): I have never in my life felt so angry at everyone and everything like I do right now
VxR RoAn (9:31:38 PM): I've always been able to look at the bright side of things
VxR RoAn (9:31:49 PM): But now there is no bright side, no matter how hard I look for it
Insanecarpathian (9:32:10 PM): :[

I am RAGING right now for no good reason AT ALL
I know what you mean Roan, the world these days is really shallow. People just wan't to make money the easy way all the time, with an "Uh, i can't be bothered" lazy like attitude, i see exacly what you mean. And most companies now don't seem to care about the well-being of humanity at all, they just wan't to sell their crappy goods so they can make masses of money.

Still man, guess we just gotta bear with this crappy world and attempt to keep things positive before humanity burns itself to death anyhow.

Edit: Try throwing a well flanel at your bathroom wall over and over again, it might help.